Not hungry?

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Amanda slept peacefully on Woolys shoulder, as Wooly rested his head on hers. Their chests slowly and calmly puffing up and down following their calm breathing. Till the steal doors beeped, signaling someone was coming in. A man in a lab coat walked in. Amanda and Wooly still sleeping peacefully.

He walked up to the sleeping duo, picking up Woolys empty tray. Then went to pick up Amanda's, only to find it full. She barely even took a nibble. The man looked sternly at the sleeping girl, then at her dish. "Not hungry girl? Fine..." He asked quietly, picking her full dish up off the floor. Now seeming to be annoyed. "Have it your way." He said deeply, walking out the door with the trays.

The loud shut of the doors caused Wooly to jerk himself awake, groaning in confusion. His vision was slightly blurry for a moment as he looked around. He brought a hand up and rubbed each eye, then blinking them back open. The room was still dark. Was it still 'bed time'?

Then the light's suddenly flashed back on, causing Wooly to shield his eyes with his forearm.

"Morning time." The AI female voice announced. Wooly heard a groan of confusion next to him. Amanda's head lifting up with her eyes still closed.
"Mhm?" She hummed, rubbing her eyes. Fully sitting up and shaking her head. Wooly letting go of her shoulder in the process. "W-What time is it?" She asked. She probably didn't hear what the voice said. "It's morning." He replied, then glanced at her hurt leg.

"How's your leg?" He asked with concern. Amanda looked at her bandaged leg. "I don't know." She shrugged, covering her mouth while yawning then smacking her lips, Leaning back against the wall again. She looked around as awkward silence took over. She turned to Wooly. "So, what now?" She asked.

"I think—" before Wooly could finish, the two heard the doors beep and click. Causing them to turn heads towards it. Wooly glanced at Amanda, and she looked worried with slight fright in her eyes. The doors open and the same man in the lab coat walked in and seemed to have fresh food in clean dishes in both hands. It had the same pile of beaf looking meat in it. The man placed the first tray in front of Wooly, then Amanda watched him walk away with her plate. Amanda looked confused and raised a hand.

"Uh-umm, excuse me mister. What about me?" She asked, pointing to herself adjusting her voice to sound more polite. The man stopped in his tracks, then turned his head. Amanda looked at him with pleading like eyes. The man snickered to himself then walked back to her. stopping just 5 feet. This caused Amanda to raise a brow at him. Now both sitting in silence as Wooly watched in confusion. Then he decided to speak. "I think you're supposed to take it from him." He said to her. Amanda glanced at her humanoid sheep, then back up at the man. With shaky legs, picked herself up onto her feet. Groaning in discomfort as she felt slight shot of pain shoot through her leg. She pinned her hands against the wall to keep her balance, then slowly pulled off to limp over to the tall man.

She looked up at the man towering over her, then held her hands out for her food. Only for the man to step back a few more feet. Amanda raised a brow again, limping closer to him. But every time she got closer, he stepped farther. Amanda limped till the chain pulled on her leg when she hit the 5 foot mark, causing her to yelp and trip on her stomach.
"Amanda!" He called, and quickly rushed over to her. Only for him to be stopped by the chain as well, but he didn't trip like Amanda did. He realized this, and tugged on it. He got on his knees, and helped get Amanda onto her knees as well. The man still standing over them.

Amanda looked up in annoyance. "Give me the food." She calmly demanded, making Wooly a little scared. The man raised a brow, hinting she was missing something. "P-please?" She asked politely. But the man stepped back one more foot, and placed the dish in front of her. Amanda got on one hand and outstretched her arm to reach it. But it was  one foot too far. Amanda tugged on the chain again, and reached for the food. She sighed and looked up at the man. "I-I can't reach it." She mentioned her situation. The man looked in masked sympathy. "But I thought you weren't hungry."

"I am!" She was starting to get irritated. The man scoffed.

"This is what you get for refusing to eat the dishes I serve you, little bitch." He turned his back on them, not before lightly kicking the dish further then left out of the two doors hearing a click. "Uuuuughu!" She groaned in stress, making another painful attempt to reach for the food. Wooly got on his hands and attempted to reach for his friends food as well. Amanda was clawing at it at this point, till she pulled back. Wrapping her arms around her stomach in pain as it growled. Letting a single tear role down her cheek.

But then Wooly placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Amanda looking at him with glossy eyes. "I-it's okay Amanda. You can have my plate. I-I wasn't really that hungry anyway." He nervously laughed to himself. Amanda let a week smile curl her lips. "Thanks Wooly." Amanda thanked with her honey sweet voice, as Wooly smiled back.

Wooly helped her up off the ground, and limped over to the plate. Amanda immediately sat down and happily took handfuls of the beaf, and scarfed it down. Wooly giggled.

"And you said I was being gross." He joked, causing Amanda to look at him with a look that says: 'seriously?'. She smiled then shoved his shoulder with her elbow playfully. "Hush up!" She said with a full mouth, and kept chewing right after. Wooly smiling warmly at her as she ate her food happily.

He was just glad that she's finally eating.

Hopefully they'll get out of here soon.

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