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(What do I do? I found the disk.. Shall
I get it?... so there are no more excuses
to force me to stay) Brick thought in
confusion. Brick wondered if Day had
left it there on purpose.
A sound of the door opening in the
bathroom was heard, the thin figure wa
shocked and almost fainted when Day
came out of the bathroom as he looked at
the TV screen.

"Uh...I...I thought it was a"
Brick was quick to try to make up an
excuse because he was afraid Day would get mad. But Day stood still and glared at him before walking with the towel wrapped around his waist to the closet.

"What?" Brick asked.

"Do you like the movie?" Day asked
again. Brick looked at Day in disbelief.

"Why? Would you give it to me so
easily?" Brick asked curiously.

Day turned and looked at Brick before
smiling, the thin figure doesn't like it
when Day smiles that way, because
it makes him feel like Day is above
everything else. Besides, it looked like
Day had a plan in mind that Brick
couldn't figure out.

"I think... wel.. I probably won't need
the CD to get involved with you," Day
said quietly. Brick frowned and looked at Day.

"What do you want looking at Brick to
say?" Brick asked,

"Aren't you always smart to think of a
plan first?" Day replied before taking off the towel and Brick immediately turned in the other direction. Day got naked in front of him to put on an outfit. Brick felt his face go red, his heart racing, even though he'd seen it many times before.Besides, he's a man. Day smiled because he Knew Brick was on his back and embarrassed. what

"Why don't you go get dressed in the
bathroom?" Brick screamed loudly.

"Why don't you go get dressed in the
bathroom?" Brick screamed loudly.

"Wow, it's my room, my house, I can
walk around naked if I want, Brick," Day replied.

"Shameful." Brick said as Day had already changed into his underwear and pajamas.

"You act so embarrassed like a woman!!
Didn't you say you were a stud?" Day
asked looking at Brick. Brick was
relieved that Day was already dressed,
even if he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Well, I'm a man," Brick said. Day raised an eyebrow, in his heart he wanted tolaugh out loud when I heard Brick sayit was a man, because his face was thin and thin, eyes round, lips full and pink, hugging a bag of candy. Day couldn't see Brick as a manly man.

"Hmm..okay..okay... If you want this CD,
I can give it to you, I have another one
in storage", said Day walking towards
Brick, the thin figure immediately turned away from Day.

"What are you going to give me this for
if you have another one in store? What
am I going to do with it?" Brick said
getting up and eating the bag of snacks.
Brick doesn't like the contents of the CD, moreover, it will soon all be forgotten.

"Take this as a guide to what you need
to improve and develop so I can be
satisfied when I get into bed with you
again," Day said, sitting down on the
couch. Brick was sitting eating snacks on the bedroom floor.

"Are you crazy? No way!!!" said Brick,
his face immediately darkening, so he
turned off the set and picked up the CD.

"So what movie are you going to see?"
Day asked. Day was starting to relax on
the subject of his brother, with Brick
around he could allow himself to talk
and curse and get angry so Day wouldn't think too much about Night.

"Any movie is horrible and brutal, it's all scary." Brick said. Then Day got up and picked up the film from the floor and put it in the place before, Brick was leaning on the couch, sitting on the floor with a sandwich in his hand.

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