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Next day,
Jimin and jin were taking their lunch downstairs... At the time jungkook and taehyung were entering into the house laughing about something...

Seeing taehyung, jimin left his food and ran to tae's direction and embraced taehyung... And put his head on tae's chest..

"Taehyung... I was missing you...why did not YOU call me after Reaching there?"

Taehyung smiled looking at jimin's possessiveness...
"I was not out of the country jimin...and it's just few hours i have been away from you...sorry i forgot to call you due to pressure of work!"
Rubbing jimin's hair,,Taehyung said smilingly...

Jungkook was looked away,didn't' want to see their lovey dovey moment... He crunched his hand trying to control Himself..

Jin who did care less and continue eating, but one thing took his attention how jimin jumped on taehyung.jin started remembering what Jimin taught him.......

"now kookee is your husband jin hyung. You should love him"

"Love?i don't know jimineee how to love him!"

"Okay i will teach you.you just have to follow what i am doing with my husband Taehyung.. Will you follow that hyung? "

"Yes.. Kookeee love I"

Jimin smiled seeing jin's excitement.

Jin got up from chair and went to jungkook slowly and suddenly jumped on jungkook's body..jungkook was absent mindly looking at the clock.. So he didn't have any idea that jin would come and jumped upon him..jungkook stumbled back and had fallen backwards with jin on top of him..

Jin became afraid and hide his face on jungkook's chest holding jungkook's collars tightly ..

Jimin and taehyung also became off Guarded..what happened...
Taehyung became angry seeing it....
"What was he trying to do?why dud he push jungkook?? He should be in mental hospital! " taehyung started screaming... May be jin could not understand much of things but he did understand taehyung was scolding him...jimin went to them and took jin on his feet..
Jin started crying and looking at taehyung he said..."Bad tae.. Bad tae...!"

"Shut up!!" taehyung again screamed making jin hide his face on jimin's shoulder... Jimin started rubbing jin's back...

Taehyung went to help jungkook to stand up...he was in shocked what happened...
"Are you okay?did you get hurt??"

"No no hyung.... I am okay..."
Looking at jin jk said to his brother "jin become Afraid hearing your scold hyung...you should not have screamed at him"

"Are you taking his side jungkook? Unbelievable "

"I am taking jin in our room.. "
Jungkook took jin's waist in his arm and took him in their room....

"Kookeee solly...."

"You don't have to say sorry jin"

"But i did what jimineee told me"

"What?jumped on me?"

"Jimineee told me to follow him.i should do what he does...you my husband.. You love I"

Hearing love jungkook raised his eyes
"Hu.... Can you repeat what you said at last?"

"Kookeeee.. Doll..."

Jin didn't listen to jungkook...

Jungkook smiled...
And went to take his bag.
And took out a doll from the bag...

"Doll!!" seeing it jin became excited...

"His name is RJ.. You like it?"

"Like.. Like....kookeee good....kookee love I......" jin took the doll from jungkook's hand.. And started mumbling....

Why I Married  You!♥️(Jinkook)🌷[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now