43 1 1

Jennie was trembling after their small date. She couldn't stop smiling at Lisa, who had her hand on her thigh as they cruised down the roads, with the weekend playing gently in the back.

The loudest thing Jennie could hear was the wind, but she couldn't feel it as much as Lisa's hand. It was if all the heat in her body had gathered in that one spot underneath Lisa's hand as if her body wanted her know just how much she wanted the taller girl to stay there.

The idea would've scared a younger Jennie, but now it was all too exciting. All to much, but in a good way. She thinks

"Your staring at me" Lisa said with a smile

"I think I'm just really happy. Not to be weird! But I really enjoyed this date" 

So embarrassing

"I don't think it's weird to admit I did a good job" Lisa said with a laugh as they pulled into the car park outside the boy's apartment. 

"Yeah yeah, be smug all you like" Jennie joked, taking off her seatbelt as the exited the car

Though it was in silence, the walk back to the entrance was comfortable then Jennie had been in a while. 

All her stress seemed to fade, and all she could do was think about Lisa.

"Well, we're here" Lisa said with a smile that made Jennie weak-kneed. It wasn't the one from the library, or the one that oozes confidence, it simply looked as if Lisa was as nervous about these upcoming feelings as Jennie herself was. 

"Seriously, did you have fun today? It wasn't much, but I figured I better save the bigger things for next time" She said, voice softer than the ocean waves

"I did. I don't care where we go, I know I'll have fun" 

It would've been perfect, it could've been amazing, but D.O's creepy neighbour had to involve herself

"Back to sleeping with girls Kim? The huge dick-fest upstairs not enough?" She said, the clear age showing in her wrinkles

"Well, if you get bored of barbie over here, you know where to find me" she said, licking her lips as she headed inside

"You okay?" Lisa asked, looking at the silent girl

"I'm not not having this damn kiss" Jennie huffed, grabbing Lisa by the collar and pulling her down as their lips chimed together

Despite previous interruptions, Jennie could feel the kiss getting intense, the way they had backed up slightly against the wall, where Lisa's hands were conveniently situated in case Jennie's shirt needed to come off- and how her bottom lip was currently caught between the taller girl's teeth, was testament to that

"shit" Lisa breathed out, instantly reattaching her lips to Jennie's 

As Jennie looped her fingers through Lisa's pant's belt holes, a low whistle cut off their kiss

"Goddamn Jen, if your gonna fuck the girl at least do it somewhere indoors" Jisoo laughed dodging Jennie slaps

"I hate you kim jisoo" she blushed hiding her head in the nook of Lisa's arm

"You too are cute. and i hate to cock block, but junior is glaring from the window" Jisoo said with a snort

Jennie felt Lisa tense slightly

"Who cares. I'm an adult, I don't need Junior watching over my relationships- he's not my mother or my father."

Jennie huffed slightly as she stepped back from Lisa's arms

"So, when we next seeing each other"

Lisa smiled and shook her head

"I will message you later about this date, but spontaneously tell you one day to be ready in 5. "

"so you don't know?" 

"not at all. but it'll be soon. I can't just not be around you- you make life worth it" 

Just as Jennie awed, jisoo gagged

"Yep, cute and all, but we actually do have to go now. Thanks for making her happy . . ?" Jisoo hung in the air as she grabbed Jennie's arm

"Lisa." She said with a small smile. 

"Lisa, thanks again. And don't worry- Jennie's not into dick- or weirdly overprotective guys" 


Lisa laughed and nodded- as she waved them bye

"Good to know"

- - -

"Junior is gonna be pisseddd" Jisoo laughed as they got into the elevator

"junior knows I'm into girls. So if he's pissed that's a him problem isn't it. He needs to stop acting like he had authority over my life." Jennie hissed aggressively hitting the button to go up

"Ain't that the truth. Kid's gotta learn when it's time to give up- and it's been time for a few years"

Jennie laughed slightly as she leaned back

"I'm actually happy- really happy jichu, and I think you'll like her. I just don't need junior making her uncomfortable, like he did with the last ones. It's gotten to a point where even if I did randomly want to start dating guys, Junior wouldn't even be considered, he's so protective it makes me feel like I'm back at home" She sighed as they reached their floor. 

"well, when we go in there we'll say that. The other boys won't be back for a few hours so we have time to speak, argue and calm down. Maybe even drink" Jisoo added, punching in the pin

"here's to that" Jennie said less enthusiastically as they entered the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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