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SKYFALL,          CREGAN STARKextended synopsis

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extended synopsis.

          ALYSANNE WAS the least complicated pregnancy Queen Aemma Arryn had experienced throughout all of her pregnancies

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          ALYSANNE WAS the least complicated pregnancy Queen Aemma Arryn had experienced throughout all of her pregnancies.  The child had came quick and easywithout much fuss.  She was born a splitting imagine of her Great–Grandmother, Alysanne, and her Mother.  Containing a fair complexion, silver–white hair, and lavender eyes, she was every bit a Targaryen.  Her Father, the King Viserys Targaryen, had named his second daughter after The Good Queen, having high hopes that she would turn out just like his Grandmother, sweet and kind and loved by all of the people in the Realm.

          SHE HAD been the last viable pregnancy King Viserys and his Wife experienced.  Complications in the Queens next pregnancy resulted in her dying, her newborn son shortly following.  Alysanne Targaryen was the last living child the two had and Viserys was entirely grateful that the Gods blessed him with two lovely daughters that greatly resembled their late Mother so much. But his love and fondness for his daughters did not overpower the Realms and his own need for a male heir.  So, upon the announcement of the pregnancy of Alicent Hightower, Alysanne no longer held the title of the last born.  And soon no longer held such a significant part in Viserys' life.

          THE HOUSE TARGARYEN had been on unsteady foundation ever since Rhaenyra was named Viserys' heir.  Many men within the realm felt threatened by the potential power the young girl held within her hands, terrified for what it meant for themselves—insecure men with fragile egos and tiny cocks scared of a little girl. They all had conspired behind the King's back, scheming to get Viserys to revoke his eldest daughters title of heir and instead give it to his son, Aegon the second. Otto Hightower, the Kings right hand, had been the biggest conspire of them all. He had his daughter feed doubts and lies into his ear about the worthiness of his daughters future rule, using his "prophetic" dream as backing. Though the King seemed to not waver in his decision, keeping Rhaenyra's claim as heir to the Iron Throne. Seeing that all attempts at demeaning Rhaenyra Targaryen's title had been all for nought, Otto decided that it was best to switch his attention to the second born daughter of Viserys, Alysanne.

FOLLOWING THE DEATH of his beloved wife, King Viserys threw himself into his grief and paid little attention to his two daughters. Rhaenyra had done what she always done, doing things her own way or doing things as she saw fit. The young future Queen had done her best to dodge and avoid all conversations of marriage, ending the tour of her hand with only two months remaining. She didn't need to be married off yet as her Father still breathed and sat the throne. She saw no use for it.
Alysanne mostly kept to herself, wondering the halls of the Red Keep continuously until she found something else better to do. She'd often join her sister in the Godswood whenever Rhaenyra read or simply wanted her sisters company. But often not, young Alysanne was always pulled away by her Septa or handmaiden for her lessons. The young girl would much have rather done anything else than go to her lessons where she would learn how to be a good wife for her future Husband. Her Father forbade her from going into the Dragonpit to see her claimed mount until she was of appropriate age to start properly riding, albeit the dragon being nearly a hundred years old. So, that was no longer in the cards for her. With nothing left to do as the years go by and her Step–Mother continuously popping out heirs for her Father, Alysanne often rebelled and sought out the company of the servants of the Red Keep or the commoners from the towns below. She found solace in those she befriended and found herself in a state of peace for quite some years, until she was thrown into the same predicament as her elder sister. Alysanne Targaryen was to be betrothed to a man of high status and shipped off to a place far away from those she loved. The fate of the Targaryen sisters may have not been that of their choosing but they both were determined to not succumb to their expected, and carefully planned, lives.

UPON HEARING OF her betrothal to the Lord of the North, Cregan Stark, Alysanne Targaryen had highly contemplated mounting Vermithor and flying away to Seven Hells knows where. She had not heard much of the young Lord, only that his Father had died four years prior to their engagement and that he was very wolf-like, terrifying those who dared crossed him. She knew that this was nothing of her Father's work but of her Step–Grandsires, hoping to gain more support regarding Aegon's hand in claiming the title of heir. Alysanne was determined in making whoever this Lord Stark was life hell. She would not follow in the footsteps of her forebears and be forced to push out heirs and live in a loveless marriage with a horrible Husband who would rather spend time with some whores instead of his Wife. So, the minute she heard of the arrangement, she swore to herself that no matter what Cregan looked like or how sweet he acted towards her, she would never fall in love with the Lord. But, as the saying goes, the heart always knows what it wants and from the minute Alysanne caught a glimpse of her betrothed, it had already fallen for him.

          YEARS HAD PASSED since Alysanne left King's Landing for Winterfell, enjoying the little life and family she created for herself up in the North.  Rhaenyra and her exchanged letters almost dailywriting about the littlest things they could think of and informing each other about their daily lives.  Alysanne hadn't been planning on returning to the Red Keep until she received a letter from her eldest sister stating that her sonsLucerys Velaryonclaim was being called into question and was to be discussed and presented in front of the King and the remaining rulers of the Seven Kingdoms.  So she packed herself up and prepared her dragon for the long ride to King's Landing.  She was happy to be back home after so longbasking in its familiarity but that all soon came crashing down once she saw just how bad her family had gottenclawing at each others throat in attempt to put themselves on the Iron Throne.  Alysanne Targaryen would be the only dragon that left the grounds of King's Landingnarrowly missing the war that broke out shortly after her King Fathers death.

authors note!
— just an extended version of the
summary in the very first part of this
book :)

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