𝖎𝖛. what will become of you?

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SKYFALL,          CREGAN STARKchapter four

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chapter four.          what will become of you?

          IT HAD ONLY been a couple of hours when Alysanne Targaryen began to feel the bitter cold of Winterfell settle itself into her bones

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IT HAD ONLY been a couple of hours when Alysanne Targaryen began to feel the bitter cold of Winterfell settle itself into her bones. The poor girl had never been this cold in her entire life, the blood of the dragon running course and thick through her veins, giving her an inkling of immunity to the cold. And it was probably the most sunny day Winterfell had experienced in some time, making the young Princess shiver in detest from the expectation of colder days ahead.

"IT'S NOT ALWAYS that cold, Princess. I swear," Cregan Stark commented, noticing Alysanne's awful attempts at hiding her chattering teeth and constant rubbing of her hands together in an attempt to get warm. He smiled at he watched her do so, finding it interesting how a she–dragon like Alysanne Targaryen could be shivering from the cold. It was surely something he'd never forget nor not use against the white–blonde whenever he felt like it.

"YOU'RE MADE FOR the cold, Stark. I simply am not," Alysanne replied, rolling her eyes at the boy as she tried her best to mask the shaking of her body from the cold air. She really didn't know how she was going to survive in this type of weather for the rest of her life. Perhaps that was Otto and her Step–Mother's plan all along–to send her off to the farthest and coldest place in Westeros in hopes that her body would succumb to the cold and neither of them would have to worry about the young girl when it was time for Rhaenyra to take the throne. She wouldn't put it past them if she was honest to herself.

CREGAN ONLY SMILED and nodded his head at Alysanne's comment, eyes refusing to leave her shivering form. Even if the poor young lady was suffering from the bitter air, he thought she still looked ethereal.

"YES, WELL, I think it's time I show you to your quarters so you can get acquainted with it as well as warm up," he stated, nodding his head towards the castle of Winterfell and gesturing for the Targaryen Princess to follow after him, pace steady as they walked forward.

SKYFALL          ❪ cregan stark ❫Where stories live. Discover now