Chapter 8

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- All that time, the source of my problems was the woman who gave me life with what appeared like to me, an intention of killing her own daughter later-

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- All that time, the source of my problems was the woman who gave me life with what appeared like to me, an intention of killing her own daughter later-


Calling myself disgusted at the sight of my own mother was an understatement. From someone I saw as an example, she shaped into a person I couldn't stand being around anymore.

It was the second day I didn't have a proper meal, but my body was too full of rage to catch up with its lack of resources and my mind was overflowing with the number of discoveries it was holding.

What bothered me the most were her actions and not what resulted from them. Thinking how Dad could've still been there if she didn't frame his death wasn't going to bring him back, nor my sister from the Flame. Overthinking about that would've been a waste of time, but analyzing her behavior and the way she was thinking was going to help me in the future. If I was smart enough to put myself in her place to get an insight into how her brain functioned like could guide me to anticipate her next move.

To many, it wasn't a normal way to cope with what I just found out, but to me, it worked better than mourning something I could never get back.

My mother, Anneliese, was an enigma at that moment. None of her actions made sense to me and instead of valuable answers, my head was drowned in questions that never seemed to end.

That day, I realized my decision to never trust anyone but my family was a big mistake. All that time, the source of my problems was the woman who gave me life with what appeared like to me, an intention of killing her own daughter later.

No one could be trusted.

I was on my way to training when my stomach grumbled in protest and because I didn't want it to be a problem on the field, I stopped by the dining room for the first time. It was a place meant for the kids who were preparing for the Flame or for those who were spending their last year in Wekax before participating to what they called a test of strengths for survival. It was a huge place, big enough for everyone in Wekax to eat at the same time.

To me, it was extremely similar to how a farmer grew their animals before feasting on them. They make sure their every meal was formed of everything they needed to grow healthy, only to kill them in the end.

That was a big part of the reason I never stepped foot in here before. The other reason was my mother and her requirement to eat in the mansion as a family. That was a lie and I knew it before finding out about what she did. The only motive she wanted us to eat together was to show dominance, to show how privileged the Protector's family was.

Unfortunately for her, that was about to change.

I grabbed a hamburger from the table along with a glass of yogurt, planning to head out and finish my breakfast without company.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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