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*Bill POV*

  I had no idea what was going on. One second I was on the ground with a raging headache, now I'm in a dark room that doesn't feel like the one I've slept in for the past few days. "Hello? Where am I?"I coughed a little after that sentence.

*Dipper POV*

 This feels wrong, as much as I believe Bill would start Weridmaggedon it doesn't feel as though he will. Or even could, considering he's human. Dipper was starting to feel as though he did the wrong thing. He jumped as he heard rough screams from the basement.

He tensed on the couch as the last of the screams died out while Ford walked into the living room, with a smirk.

"He's been sorted out for today, it seems he isn't immune to certain types of pain. Such as power pulling and electricity." Ford talks as he writes in his journal.

"H-Have you thought that maybe this Bill Isn't bad?" He looks at Dipper with a mix of shock and confusion on his face. "What do you mean?This is The Bill Cipher  we're talking about! The one that wanted to destroy the world!"

"But that was how long ago?"

"Bah! It's just for your own good!" Ford walked to his room on the other side of the shack.

When the shack got renovated to keep it from crumbling to dust, Ford got a new room across from the stairs.

I am going to get Bill out of there, he won't do anything bad, he doesn't even know who or what he is...


Kill me, I am So sorry that I haven't uploaded at all .

I completely forgot Wattpad was a thing. I've also been dealing with some mental heath issues but that's besides the point, I'll try and upload more often.

Again, I apologize.

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