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Russia pov
He told me his name is Canada and that name fits perfectly because of the Maple leaf in the middle when we got out of the house I had to Locked it just in case thame.uhh m-master are we actually going to get fish Canada asked I told him he doesn't have to call me Master
Canada pov
My owner doesn't want me to call him master but I was told to call your owner that captured you to call them master he asked me why I called him master. I was told that we have to call are owners that captured us to say Master and if we don't they would punish us for not calling them master: I told him. Then he told me he prefers that I call him by his name and he will correct me if I call him Master and I will not be punished if I do something wrong which I was happy that he won't punish me for doing something wrong then we started to walk in the forest to find a pond or a lake for fish I don't know why I have a leash on the collar he probably thinks I will try to escape but I would not escape him because If I did and if I don't have my collar and if I get captured by a mean person I would not want like my new owner if I escaped and lose my collar I like Russia he seems nice even though he won't punish me but if I ever met his family mostly his dad I think his dad would punish me really bad if I do something wrong then he asked me if I know any lakes or ponds because I know around the forest I told him yes and I lead him where a lake is I was every far away from the house which we I don't remember where the house is and I think he would be mad at me if I don't remember I started to shake uncontrollably then he asked me what's wrong and he won't be mad at me I told him that I don't remember where the house is I closed my eyes to see if he would hit me up I don't feel a slap on me I opened my eyes to see him calmed then he told me when my wings are healed then I can fly us home but until then we will need to find shelter which luckliy there is a cave near the lake I told him I will check the cave to see if there is any bears or other animals in the cave which he told me that I have to come back when I'm done which I nodded he was about to unclip my leash but I told him I was going to check the cave if he is with me just in case a hunter is there trying to get me then I asked him if he can come with me which he agreed to which I was happy

Russia pov
Canada wants me to go with him just in case if a hunter tries to capture him and take him away from me which agreed we went in the cave and a net was thrown at Canada which Canada was right about a hunter in here to capture him when the hunter came closer to use he saw the leash and collar then me then he yelled that he should have him not me I think this man is a Karen which I told him I found him injured and he Is my pet not yours please leave now or else which he said no not until I get my dragon which I think he is referring to Canada then I pointed my at him and I said leave or the there will be a bullet in your head and I will let him eat your Corps I pointed to Canada which the Karen man left the cave I whisper to Canada that he will have to find a new cave because I think he will come back to come for him which he nodded and we left the cave and we ran and ran we made turns left and right to lose the Karen and I think we lost him but I asked Canada if we can sleep in a tree for now he nodded but need food which there was a lake with a lot of fish Canada went to the lake and grab fish with just he bear hands he caught about 7 fish for us I grab sticks for a fire I asked him if he breathes fish so he can light my fire which nodded then I asked him if he can light the sticks for a fire and he nodded and light the fire then he asked me why I told him if I eat the fish raw I can get sick I think he doesn't understand I told him if we eat raw food he can get every sick and we might even die when I was done I started to cook my fish he started to eat his 3 raw fish when I was done my 3 fish I was done my two fish then Canada looked my cooked fish then he asked me then he asked me to cook his fish which I did for him he looked happy when I started to cook his food when I was done I gave him he started to eat it is he had a happy face when we both where done with are fish i put out the fire then i told him that it's getting late and we should go to bed he single me to get on his back when I did he started to climb on the tree when we reach a branch that was strong enough to spot are Wight it was told up here then I started to shaking due to the cold Canada seems to notice and he asked me if I was cold and I nodded so he started to come close to me then he asked if he can cuddle me to keep me warm then he told me that he can keep him warm with out any fire because he can make his body go to very high temperature in his blood so I thought it was cute that he asked me if he can cuddle with me so I said yes

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