flying and still needs to heal

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Canada pov
When I woke up I noticed I was cuddling with Russia I started to blushing like my face was red as a tomato then I noticed a lot of people where around us I started to get scard then Russia up when he woke up he saw all the people then he asked me if I can jump high and far which I nodded yes then he told me that I have to jump tree to tree to get away from these then he got onto my back and I started to jumping to tree to tree and the people started to chase us with nets and collars I just wish that this people would try to stop catch me then I see a person that I don't like a feeling from him up pointed his gun towards me then the rest of the people left and it was only him then Russia told me to stop and to climb down which I did

Russia pov
I saw a man with a gun pointed towards Canada I told him to run which he did but the man started to chase him so I chased the stranger that was running at my dragon I started to yell at him to not hurt my dragon but I lost him I was worried that I can't find Canada then I see Canada running towards me with a man with a shock collar like to replace my collar "this Dragon has a owner already and it's me and give my dragon his owner's collar and remove yours" the man seems pissed but he removed the shock collar of Canada and put mine back then the man left with a angry face I decided to check on his wings which they healed I told him he is able to fly again I removed the bandage on his wings I would him to fly but he was above the ground about 3 meters up but he told me that it still hurts when flying so that means his wings need to heal more I told him not to torture his wings he just nodded but I'm still curious about his flag because his flag has a maple leafy in the middle and how he got his flag like that I know some countries that have something in the middle of there flag but he seams a happy country I want to see how his territory is I heard that there is a country that is famous for I forgot what the was called I think it was maple syrup I think know I might know because Canada has a maple leaf I think he is the country for the famous syrup but I will asked him if he can take me to his territory but later but for know he needs to heal and we need to find my house I have to ask him how long dose it take for his wings to heal and he said about 4 days to heal but if there very injured it would take about 5 days and I know it will take 5 days because when I found him his wings where very injured then he told me he found a cave that is very deep and we should hide there and I agree with that idea

Canada pov
My wings weren't fully healed and I only have 4 more days left until my wings are healed it was starting to get cold I went closer to master (aka Russia) Russia told me to stay and not to make a sound if a hunter comes here I nodded then he left I was in the cave with the leash on the ground this can be my chance to escape but I I got up and ran towards him to hug him but I stop and he just continue walking can place the wood and fish down  want to escape or have a new owner I like Russia I waited for him about 40 minutes then he came back with sticks and fish once he was closed to me he placed the fish down and the wood then he started a fire to cook the fish I was basically jumping up and down for the fish to be cooked and I still keep the leash on because I really like this master he is really nice to me I walked towards him so I can get some warmth from him 
Russia pov
I came back with fish and sticks for a fire I could see how happy Canada is to see me I was glad that he wasn't taking away from me once I placed the wood and fish I can see Canada excitement for his fish to be cooked and I really like this Dragon he is Sweet and can be sometimes he can be evil but most of the times he is passive I asked him to lite the wood so I can cook once he did lite the fire I started to cook the fish  I can see Canada can't hold his excitement for his fish to be cooked then he came close to me I think for some warmth so I let him get my warmth Canada rapped his wing around me to keep me warm as well which I thought it was cute when I was done cooking the fish Canada started to eat same for me while. Canada started to get sleepy then he just fell asleep on my shoulder I put out the fire and fell a sleep as well but I'm still curious about his country I really want to go there but his wings are injured and needs to heal I feel bad for him I wonder how he injured his wings but that is personal so I won't try to force him tell me I will wait even if it takes  weeks or years
(Next day) I woke up with the Canadian dragon hugging me tightly like someone tried to take him
4 days later

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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