Chapter Fourteen: Unlikely Eleven

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Amelia looked over her shoulder at Olivia, urgency burning in her eyes

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Amelia looked over her shoulder at Olivia, urgency burning in her eyes. "I'll be back soon, Olive," she said, her voice filled with both anticipation and caution. "I need to go to the restroom."

Olivia, who was in the midst of dancing with a guy, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. Understanding the urgency in Amelia's eyes, Olivia gave a quick nod of acknowledgment, signaling that she would be fine on the dance floor.

With a reassuring smile, Amelia turned and made her way through the crowded club. She maneuvered through the pulsating bodies, her focus solely on Ryder. As she reached the side entrance, a sliver of light from the outside world beckoned to her, contrasting the darkness within the club.

Stepping out into the dimly lit alley, Amelia's heart pounded in her chest. The cool air kissed her skin, a stark contrast to the heated energy of the dance floor. Her steps were cautious, each footfall echoing in the narrow space.

Amelia scanned the alley, her eyes searching for any sign of Ryder. And then she saw him, leaning against the wall, his gaze fixed on a distant point. His tall, imposing figure exuded both strength and vulnerability, a contradiction that mirrored the emotions swirling within Amelia's own being.

As Amelia mustered the courage to approach Ryder, her footsteps faltered as another voice broke the silence of the alley. Instinctively, she ducked behind a stack of boxes, her heart racing with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Peering through a small opening between the boxes, Amelia strained to hear the conversation unfolding. The voices grew clearer, but she still couldn't identify it. The urgency in their tones sent a shiver down her spine, heightening her senses.

"Ry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," the voice carried a sense of urgency. "He made me – I'll come back to you; I'll do anything for you. I just need your help this once, please," the voice ushered, a sickly sweet remanence of it echoed in the alley. 

A woman's voice?

Ryder's voice, low and steady, responded, "Don't fuck with me Brooke – Where is it?, Give it back and if you do I'll let you leave with at least one finger tonight."


Amelia's heart raced as the tension in the alley reached a boiling point. Brooke, undeterred by Ryder's menacing words, took a step closer to him, her body leaning in, her hand reaching out to grip the back of his neck. Amelia's breath caught in her throat as she watched the intimate proximity between them, a surge of jealousy igniting within her.

"Ryder, don't be like that," Brooke whispered, her voice laced with a mixture of defiance and vulnerability. Her eyes locked with his, their connection palpable, laden with a history that Amelia was not privy to. It was as if they were in their own universe, a world that excluded everyone else, including Amelia.

Amelia's grip tightened on the edges of the boxes, her knuckles turning white. Her heart ached with a sense of longing, but in that moment, it was Brooke who held his attention, who had the power to elicit a response from him that Amelia couldn't.

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