part 4

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        Hyunjin woke up to the sound of humming. He opened his eyes, his vision blurry. He saw Felix walking around, cleaning the room.

        "Ah, you're awake!" Felix exclaimed, smiling warmly. 

        "Don't the maids do that?" Hyunjin asked tiredly, rubbing his eyes. 

        "No, I usually clean my own room, or else i'll get lazy," Felix said, humming a soft tune. He folded his blanket and placed them on the bed, walking over to Hyunjin. He patted his back and softly shook him. "Get up, breakfast is done." Felix said. Hyunjin sat up slowly, yawning from exhaustion. "How do you know?" Hyunjin asked. 

       "My noseeee, I can smell." Felix giggled. 

        Hyunjin sighed, getting off of the bed and stretching. He sleepily stumbled into the bathroom, taking out his toothbrush to brush his teeth. After twenty minutes, he was almost ready when he suddenly heard Felix yell.


        Hyunjin hurriedly rushed out and tried to figure out where Felix's voice came from. He heard some shuffling in the other room and so he kicked down the door, frantically looking around. 

        "Tsk, so slow. One minute and ten seconds, dude!" Felix scoffed.

        Hyunjin's eyes widened. He sighed with relief, but then glared at Felix. "I thought something actually happened to you dude." He spat. Felix laughed and patted Hyunjin's shoulder, asking him to follow him downstairs to eat. 



        "That food was so good!" Felix exclaimed, rubbing his stomach. Hyunjin nodded his head, staring at his phone.


Slunted - Hyunjin     Normal - The woman

"What have you learned?"

                                                                      "Not much, but I'm working on it, It has only been a day."

"Fine, as long as you kill him."

                                                                      "Why do you want him killed so bad?"

"So we can be more feared."

"I also heard he bullies his maids and other idols"

                                                                     "May not be true though."

"Whatever, don't you want the money?"


        Hyunjin paused. He did want the money, but that would cost Felix's life "Why should I care, I'm not even close to him..." Hyunjin thought.


                                                                   "I guess..."

"See? It's a win win for both of us."


        Hyunjin offed his phone. Felix seemed like a nice guy, so why was the woman so persistent about killing him? And why was Hyunjin so nervous?

        "Hyunjin! Come upstairs, I need your help!" Hyunjin heard Felix shout from upstairs. He walked up the stairs slowly. Then he noticed that there were alot of rooms upstairs, none of which he saw Felix or the maids enter. (remember this detail, it will be useful later on in the story)

        Maybe they just didnt need to go in?

        Hyunjin shrugged off the feeling and opened the bedroom door. Seeing Felix on the computer, Hyunjin assumed the much needed help was for song suggestions, and his assumption was correct.

        "Hyunjin, can you help me with this lyrics?" Felix asked.

        Just as Hyunjin was about to question Felix more, Felix gave him the puppy eyes. Hyunjin turned his head away, not wanting to see the cute eyes. "So you'll help me?" Felix asked. Hyunjin grumbled and nodded, walking over. 

        "Yay!!!" Felix exclaimed, a smile plastered over his face.



        Felix let out a loud yawn, leaning back onto his chair. Hyunjin looked equally as tired, but he didnt show it. He just continued typing into the computer. 

        "How did it become you typing on the computer instead of me?" Felix asked, just realising.

        "Cause your lazy ass asked me to do it." Hyunjin teased. Felix smacked Hyunjin's shoulder, "Fuck you," Felix scoffed. Hyunjin smirked, "Fuck you too, bitch." Felix smacked Hyunjin again. He glared at Felix before pushing the computer back to Felix, "Since, you're such a smartass and annoying bitch, why not you do the writing?" Hyunjin gave a sarcastic smile. 

        Felix stared at Hyunjin, then suddenly, his eyes teared up and he sniffled. Hyunjin was shocked, just because he insulted him, now he's crying? 

        "I'm annoying? I'm sorryyyy!" Felix stuttered and started to cry.

        "Hey, it's okay. I'm sorry," Hyunjin said softly, lifting Felix up and carrying him. Felix sniffled and sobbed, "Fuck you..." Hyunjin chuckled softly and hugged Felix tighter. He buried his head in Hyunjin's neck, his tears staining his shirt. 

        "How about we go to sleep? It's already 12:36am," Hyunjin whispered into Felix's ear. Felix nodded. Hyunjin walked over to the bed, placing Felix down gently and putting a blanket over him. 

        "Good night," Hyunjin said. Felix hummed and closed his eyes, drifting off into a peaceful sleep. Hyunjin let out a yawn and walked over to his bed, dropping down on his and closing his eyes, dozing off to sleep.

(For the first 3 parts, I wrote very little, so now imma try and write more.)

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