part 10

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        "Guys! It's Felix, the idol!"

        The trio turned around to see a swarm of fans rushing towards Felix. "uh oh," Felix muttered. Hyunjin ushered Felix into the carpark and hurriedly started the car while Changbin kept out the fans. However, even Changbin isnt strong enough.

        "I can't hold them off for much longer!" Changbin exclaimed while backing up. 

        Felix then stepped out of the car and grabbed Changbin's arms, pulling him into the car. "Hurry! Drive!" Felix yelled. Hyunjin did as he was told and immediately drove off, leaving the crowded carpark. "Whew! That was a close one," Changbin sighed. Felix nodded his head.

        "Ugh, this always happens, i can never have a peaceful outing," Felix grumbled, slouching in his seat. Hyunjin chuckled, "It's okay, atleast you can date anyone in the future," Felix's eyes widened. That was such a random thing for Hyunjin to say, but that was not why Felix was so shocked. 

        "Date?" Felix asked anxiously. Changbin raised an eyebrow.

        "Why? Are you asexual?" 

        Felix shook his head, trying to avoid the question.

        "Wait...DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE??" Changbin asked loudly. "WHAT?" Both Hyunjin and Felix shouted at the same time, their face as red as beetroot. Felix shook his head with so much force, his hair became messy. Changbin laughed, "I'm kidding, haha"

        Felix sighed and giggled, continuing to talk about being an idol and its many difficulties. However, behind that friendly and happy facade, was a man who wanted to kill, and now that he got a hint that the two may have a little crush on each other, that made him have more motive. He wanted Hyunjin to suffer, to cry in pain and agony. 

            That was what he loved to make people feel anyways. 



        "Bye!" Felix said while waving his hand. He said his farewells to Changbin while Hyunjin just stood in the corner. Changbin smiled and drove off. Felix sighed and walked back into the house, Hyunjin following behind.

        Felix went up to his room and fell onto his bed. "Ahhh! Sweet Relief, I'm home" He said, closing his eyes. Hyunjin smirked, slapping his thigh. "Wake up, dork. You have to shower." Felix shook his head and rolled around like a sushi roll. 

        "Come on, you don't want me to make you," Hyunjin said in a low voice. 

        Felix felt a little daring today, and so he said, "Make me." Hyunjin smirked and lifted Felix up, walking to the bathroom. Felix flushed, his ears and entire face was bright red. "HYUNJIN!" He screamed in embarrassment. "I told you, you don't want me to make you," Hyunjin chuckled, closing the bathroom door and putting Felix in the bathtub.

        "Hyunjin, get out! I can shower myself!" Felix exclaimed while trying to push him out, to no avail. Hyunjin laughed, "Are you sure?" His eyes had a tint of lust, to which Felix did not notice.

        "YES!" Felix bellowed and finally managed to push him out. He quickly shut the door and sat down on the bathroom door. "What just happened?" Felix asked himself. His heart was beating so fast and it felt like butterflies were in his stomach. Hyunjin is just his bodyguard, nothing more, right?

        However, the more Felix thought about it, the more it seemed weird to him. Hyunjin did react weirdly to the joke Changbin made, and he did hit Changbin. What does Changbin have to do with this? "Maybe he's just not sociable and Changbin made him mad? Yea! That's it!" Felix muttered.

        "Yongbok, I don't hear the shower on!" Hyunjin teased. 

        "Eek! I'll start now! Geez." Felix said. He turned on the shower and started to clean himself, still wondering about the weird things that happened today.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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