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Another stone jumped twice on the water and then dove in, leaving traces of circular ripples on the surface.

His breathing was still heavy and his nose was still red. However, eyes were dried by now making his waterline crispy. Late afternoon wind rush helped them to dry not the emotional hurricanes revolting inside him every second whenever her insulting words cringed his ears, piercing his heart.

He knew it was not her mistake. She was so fragile at that time and he talked stupidly without any care so she became harsh to him. It was all his fault. He was this dumbass since his childhood. No wonder why he just had finger-counting friends, no high school sweethearts and his own father disliked him. On the other hand, she was thoughtful, sensitive, understanding, loving and kind. If he hadn't irritated her— No, her family! If her a****** family hadn't spoiled her sanity then she wouldn't have spoken so rudely to him.

Otherwise, she was never that harsh with him. She loved him even if he was out of her league. He knew she loved him even though she denied it every time and he didn't mind it at all. He felt her love during their lovemaking. It was not only up to their sexual desire. She had gone through an emotional state of blissfulness how many times they were close to their souls. He was unsure if she marked it or not. He was sure she didn't mark it.

She didn't accept her own sentiments because she was too occupied by her already burdensome life and he had enough patience to wait for her because that was what love is.

He smiled for the first time in all this hour.

He left her four hours back because he was dangerously hurt and wanted to give her- himself space to calm down. Vaishu was good at these things. She calmed him down when he weirdly behaved through his running eyes but because as bad as he was he never had this audacity and capability to calm her down. She ruled herself. So he left her. But now he was regretting it. He shouldn't have left her to feel lonely and suicidal.

His blood boiled when he thought of her suffering. How those inhumans could pain a beautiful soul that much? He didn't imagine these kinds of people also existing on earth, outside Bollywood, before his encounter with Vaishali.

Now this was the only way to erase her pain. Cut the root and the plant will dry in starving.

He picked out his phone and scrolled through the contacts to find the number which he had secretly copied from Vaishali's call log.

The outgoing call started ringing with his wildly palpitating heart. He swallowed a gulp of saliva. He had to be brave. Brave enough to protect her. It would be a shame on his love if he could not make her safe around him.

The hoarse voice of a man came out from the other side as a 'Hello'.

His whole fair body was blood red by now. Air froze inside his lung sacs. He took a deep breath and started.


Dusk sky painting the canvas of the sky with all its purple, pink and red. Birds were returned to their nests collecting their food. Their flight-less babies seating inside the nest were shrieking around them finding their day-long lost parents once again. Small feathered bodies were being trickled by their mother's beak. The air was filled with happy chirps.

Anant let out a smile from his heart and proceeded towards his best where he would be once again cherished and loved.

He was now less scared and more relaxed. And she would be happy knowing no one could rule her freedom anymore.

Finally, he was proud of his boyfriend self. He shot those men out of her life. His warning must have panicked him and they would stop troubling her. After all, he had used his toughest note! Who wouldn't have feared that? Even his relationship with Vaishali could be in danger if she somehow overheard that rude vocal of him. She was not used to it. He smiled and then chuckled.

She would be free again or maybe it would persist everlasting. She could smile some on her own. She could love him without calculating. She would be her old self again, innocent and babyish, which he only discovered during her emotional damages.

He entered his apartment and moved inside the living room. It was messy by their last night did and she would have broke a few things after he left. He chuckled again. Her room must look messier than this.

Sofa pillows were scattered all around the room. Some were ripped letting it inside out, a few were lying near the farthest wall. Flowers were crushed and the empty semi-injured vases were rolling on the floor. Small tables were displaced from their original place.

Anant shook his head making an idea about his exhaustion after settling all these. He must go to her tomorrow. Her broken heart needed much more time and care to join and survive than these non-breathing broken pieces.

He started to clean the floor.

He knew she would be gone by now and also he was confident that she would rush to him and shower love when she got to know about his heroism.

They would live a happy love life.

A broken piece of vase cut his flesh. He winced in pain coming out of his thoughts. He mentally slapped himself for being over joyous and expectant. Thanks to the broken vase. But it was also a fact that there were no possible outcomes than they live in so much love for infinitely long eras.

He grinned ear to ear when to his unawareness another piece of broken glass pierced his skin.


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Happy Reading...

Stay smiling...❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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