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When Jin was roaming around the house,his steps held infront of taehyung & jimin's room .door was made of glass so he could see everything happening inside.


"Hmm"jimin replied during buttoning tae's shirt.

"Want your sweet kiss before going to office "

"As you wish my lord "jimin put his pump lips on taehyung's narrow ones..
"Do you know your lip is heart shaped?"

Jin's eyes buldged seeing those...

"Jimineee told me to do those things he did with his hus...hus. ..husband "jin mumbled and ran back to his room.

Entering into his room he saw jungkook was adjusting his tie 👔 ...

Jin ran towards jungkook and stood infront of him.

"What do you want seokjin?"


Before jungkook could reply jin went closed to him holding his collar he put his lip on jungkook ...jungkook himself shocked. It took time to understand what's happening. He stepped away...

"What are you doing seokjin?"

"Not want it?but bad taehyung wanted it from jimineee.."jin placed his finger on his face started thinking.
"Kookeee husband doesn't want it. ....doesn't like it....but why?"

Jin looked at jungkook's face.he understood he didn't like it...

"Seokjin...I want you to learn to take permission before doing something. You Don't have to follow everything what jimin said"

"But I want....jimineee love I..."

"Look seokjin....I don't like it.and I want you to understand it okay?I am not liking it.Take my permission before doing something like that to me. yesterday you jumped upon me...I was hurted my back.. when you can't do anything properly..why you are trying to do it"

Jin didn't hear anything..his brain stucked in the word permission...


"Yes ...seokjin...you should..."

"Kookeee, can I kiss you?"seokjin abruptly said without letting jk complete his sentence.

"Unbelievable...are you hearing what I am saying seokjin?"

"Want eat sweet"

"Okay go there and sit..I will sent someone with sweets for you"

"Want sweet on your lips"




"Sweet....."jungkook could see tears in jin's eyes...

"Okay okay...but you will not ask for it in future..its the first and last time okay?"

"Want to eat lip sweet "

"But there is no sweet in my lips..whatever you can try to find it..."

"Kookeee.. "jin smiled and put his lips on jungkook's lip...jk closed his eyes...feeling the sensation of his first kiss....jungkook could feel jin's breath on his mouth...suddenly jin protruded his tongue and started locking it...jungkook was stunned observing what jin was doing..

"Where is sweet?where??"

Jungkook slightly pushed him and said "I told you ,you could not find sweet there"

Jin went close to him...and put jin finger on jk's piercing..


Jungkook smirked...

"Will you ever want to kiss me again?"

"Remove it...remove"

"I am not removing it jin"

Jin's attention was gained by the mole under jungkook's lip...
He put his finger there and caressing it..

"Wanna eat it"

"Oh my god...what type of husband I brought who always wants to eat me.."
Jungkook moved his head side to side in frustration..

At night jungkook came back and saw jin was playing with the doll that was given by him yesterday...

Jungkook went to him and sit infront of jin...then protruded his lips like fish..

Jin looked at him and said "fish Kookeee "
"Why did you always spoil my mood?"

"Sleep.."jin started yawning...

"Can't you see I removed my piercing so that you will not hurt or feeling discomfort?"Jungkook looked frustrated..


"Kiss me jin..."jungkook loved his first kiss...well not a perfect or complete kiss it was but jungkook liked it what jin was doing and wanted to feel it again..in the office he was thinking about it all day and decided to removed it...atleast for one day...he was craving for it...he started thinking how it will feel if taehyung kissed him just like jin...


"Hmm" jungkook nodded his head...

"No....you don't have sweet on your lips..I Don't want to.."jin said and let him fall on his back and within few minutes sleep engulfed him.

Jungkook was looking at him with heavy sigh...



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Why I Married  You!♥️(Jinkook)🌷[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now