Cheater jean grey x mutant male reader

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Yn ln a mutant that is on the x men team his mutant power is called

Helios it allows Yn to transform into a dark dragon with powerful dark abilities

Yn is the boyfriend of Jean grey going on dates,saving people,stopping magneto mutants everything was going great but something felt off about Jean

Jean been distant lately not wanting to hangout with me or go on dates or cuddle like she avoiding me is she mad at me did do something wrong

It's wrong to spy on her but it's the only way to get information in what she's doing

At the x mansion Yn was training in the training room with his powers but he got a notification on his phone that his voice recording is activated Yn put a voice recording in Jean room so he can here what Jean says

Jean:Scott this has to stop if Yn finds out I've cheated on him behind his back he's going to lose I never seen him loose it before but I don't want him to get angry at me

Scott:jean I love you I truly do what does Yn have and i don't

Jean:Yn trust me he respects me as a woman and a girlfriend I don't want to hurt his feelings Scott he's a good person I just don't want lose the man who helped me control my powers besides from the professor

Scott:what if he cheats on you

Jean:what are talking about  ?

Scott:I saw him hanging out with rouge a lot since you were with me

Jean:won't cheat on me he's to good to cheat on me

Scott:I saw him go to the training room ask him yourself

Jean:fine but if your wrong he's going my loyalty towards him

Jean and scoot leave and head towards the training room as they see Yn

Jean:Yn I need to ask you something

Yn:what is it

Jean:are you cheating on me

Yn:no why would I cheat on you what would I gain for cheating on you Jean

Jean:Scott said he saw you hanging out with rouge

Yn:because we have the same science class we are partners for a project that needed to be done next week

Jean:so nothing going on with you and rouge

Yn:no why did you think I was cheating it would make me the bad guy in the relationship and I don't want to be the bad guy and besides rouge told me she likes women she in a relationship with kitty



Yn:speaking of cheating I find it weird that both you are seeing each other more than usual so Jean we haven't had a date or anything fun for a while so Jean are you cheating on me

Jean starts crying

Jean:Yn I'm so sorry I've cheated on you with Scott I know it was a bad thing to do it just Scott showed me how much he loved me and I didn't want to hurt you and you be mad at me

Yn:oh Jean I'm not mad

Jean:your not

Yn:no...I'm absolutely livid

Yn transforms to his Helios form

Yn:bolting breaker

Yn fires a laser from his tail sending Scott and Jean flying

Yn:I know you were cheating on me I heard you and Scott conversation in your room Jean and you have the audacity to think I was cheating Jean grey your nothing but bad woman your like the other women who don't care if they hurt there boyfriend's or husband's from cheating

Jean:how did know I was cheating

Yn:I put a recorder in your room I wanted to believe you weren't cheating but i had to know even it was going into your room without your consent

Scott fires his lasers at yn damaging Yn

Yn:farbas infinity

Yn wounds start healing from Scott attack

Yn:now here's a true attack

Yn:clamor quasar

Yn breaths out dark fire at Scott as he's gets burned then falls down on the floor unconscious

Yn looks at Jean

Yn:we're done Jean if you didn't cheat on me none of this wouldn't happen go ahead and be with Scott if he sees a woman who's prettier than you don't be crying to me

Yn turns back to normal


Yn graduated high school and went to university he quit the x men a little to get his career after the professor ask for my help against apocalypse

After apocalypse was defeated everyone returned the mansion

Yn graduated to university and he became a senator for the mutant population and made a small city were mutants don't have to worry about getting hurt or kill some family took there children there and never came back while some families accepted there kids being mutants as Yn became more popular of it the mutant people saying there his hero

Some mutants train to become security to guards to protect the city while other mutants continue there education and get jobs,meet people,be with other mutants romantically doesn't matter the gender

As for Jean well it Yn was right Scott found another woman prettier than Jean as she dumped him and regrets not being with Yn Jean wanted to be with Yn but it was to later the Phoenix force got to her and it as she died

Yn was sad when he heard Jean died and the x men had separated across the world waiting when they are needed

Watch the video it's actually pretty good

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