Cheater cinder x male reader

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Yn ln is 15 years old and was abused by his parents as they scared him his top left half of his face ruined as Yn got tired of the abuse and killed them in there sleep as Yn grabs his stuff and his German shepherd dog max and burned the house down as Yn and max traveled to remnant as Yn got a nice job as a chef  nice apartment everything was going fine it got more better as Yn meet cinder fall.

They got along as cinder told Yn her story how she became and wanted Yn to join her about getting revenge and joining Salem cause

Yn:cinder I understand how your feeling but I can't join you


Yn:because I was abused as well you see the top half left face is messed up because of my ex parents they hated me for something I couldn't control

Cinder:was it your semblance or aura

Yn:no they wanted a girl not a boy because they wanted to control a girl version of me or girl that wouldn't be me but they chose to hurt me instead of loving me after being tired of it I killed them in there sleep took my dog max and burned the house down now I'm happy where I am I don't need to hurt or kill people for a cause or revenge I know I'll pay for my sin don't know when or where but I'll pay for my sin sorry cinder I'm not going on a killing spree I'm happy where I am

Cinder:i understand but to make sure you don't tell the police you be monitored by me


As cinder monitors Yn as they became more than friends as Yn tries his best to make cinder not go with the plan she made to take down beacon academy and the other three academy's

After being in a relationship with cinder Yn sees her less after following here to the docks he's shocked to see her making out with Mercury Yn quickly runs away as Yn gets to a ship to head to beacon academy and went to talk to ozpin

Yn told ozpin about what's going to happen in the festival and the tournament and Yn told ozpin who's the boss that it was cinder fall made the plan ozpin told ironwood to arrest cinder and her team so no one was harmed or killed during the festival and the tournament


After hearing that cinder and her team was arrested and everyone was save from the festival and tournament but also hearing that cinder and her team was executed for there crimes along figuring out that Adam Taurus was also in with cinder group but he got killed by one of ozpin huntsman qrow brawnwen

(Cheater yang x faunes male reader )
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