Chapter 4

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When I woke up, Ciel was on my lap curled in a ball.

"Ciel come on, we're not doing this. Please get off me." I begged while trying to gently push him off.

"No, please. Just love me again." He whined while sitting up and wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Ciel stop. Come on, you're making an ass out of yourself." I grumbled, he started kissing my neck and cheek.

"Not until you start loving me again." He replied while kissing my neck again

"Ciel, I haven't stopped loving you." I answered, "You're the one who was unfaithful."

"Sebastian, it wasn't my fault! If I could've made him stop I would've." He whispered becoming solemn very fast.

"What do you mean?"

"I couldn't control the fact that I was cheating on you, he forced me." He explained

"Ciel you didn't cheat on me, if you were forced, than you were raped." I whispered, his eyes widened while I spoke.

"W- what? I was raped!" he squeaked, "How did I not realize that I was raped?"

"Shh, it's okay." I replied, I squeezed him in my arms. I kissed his head and started rocking us both. "Ciel, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have reacted so rashly; please forgive me." Tears started running down my face.

"Sebastian, why are you crying?" he asked, while wiping away my tears

"I've done some very stupid things Ciel. I'm very sorry."

"What did you do?" he asked, fear showing on his face.

"You know it's mating week for me Ciel, and the urges were too much. I-I mated with three woman." I admitted

When he realized what I was saying he started to cry,

"What does that mean Sebastian?"

" I'm now the father of three fetus'" I said

"Is there a way to get custody of the children?"

"There's an ancient technique that will allow a transfer of the fetus' to another spouse, it works with every gender, but it doesn't always work." I explained

"I don't care, I want to us to be the parents of those children. I don't want some skank to raise them." He raged, "They're my-our kids, I don't care what it takes, as long as I get pregnant with those babies."

"Ciel, it has a lower chance of working with a male." I warned

"Sebastian, I don't care. I want to be the one who holds those babies for 9 months and gives birth to them. Go find the whores you fucked and do that ancient technique." He snapped

I nodded my head and helped him back on his bed. Once he was comfortable, I left from the window in search for the three prostitutes.

~Ciel's POV~

it took Sebastian a lot longer than I thought he would take to find the whores.

While waiting for him to get back, I got hungry, so I decided to get something to eat from the kitchen. I couldn't find anything to wear that I knew how to put on by myself so I decided to walk around in my nightshirt. No one was in the mansion other than my servants, and besides it is my mansion.

I got some fruit from the kitchen when I heard footsteps coming from the pantry.

"Bard, didn't Sebastian tell you to stay out of the pantry?" I snickered while turning around to watch him come from the pantry. But the person who I thought was Bard was already up the stairs when I fully turned around.

"Y-you." I stuttered quietly when I saw the small blonde headed boy.

"Hello Ciel, that's not the hello I wanted but it'll work." He beamed while skipping towards me. I backed up, trying to get away from him, but the counter stopped me from getting to far away from him.

"Get away from me. You've already done enough damage. Can't you just leave me alone?" I begged. "You almost ruined my whole life, please just leave me alone."

"But Ciel, why don't you love me? I've loved you ever since I first saw you in that cage. We've been through the same thing, yet you love that damned demon instead of me." He frowned

"You raped me, ruined my love life, and made my boyfriend impregnate three sluts. Plus I don't even know you're name." I snapped "Besides why would I choose you over my boyfriend?"

"Because your boyfriend impregnated three prostitutes, let your relationship almost be destroyed, and he doesn't even love you, he just wants your soul." He replied, smirking while coming a little closer. "Oh, and my name is Alois Trancy."

"Well Alois may I ask you a question?" he nodded "Why did you rape me?"

"Because I need someone to love and I know you're capable of that."

"You can get someone to love you without raping them, and I'm sorry but I have Sebastian, if I get to know you; I may be able to love you as a friend." I explained "You can't expect me to like you after you hurt me like that." Rage started to convert all over his face.

"Why not? I didn't do anything bad!" he yelled

"I'm sorry Alois, but you have to leave." I whispered

"I'll never leave you alone Ciel, not until you love me." He snapped, he pushed past me and left through the servant's entrance.

After about 3 minutes of being alone, I started to hyperventilate and curled up in the corner of the kitchen.

Author's notes~ Hey! so sorry bout the long time without updating. moved and didn't have internet... buuuut i have internet now, and i continued writing in a black note book of mine. (over 100 pages done.) So expect a lot more updates! Review what you think and/or thing's you think should have happen instead or should happen in the future. never know i may like the idea and change it ;3 thanks for reading you beautiful people 3 ~Juliet

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