Chapter 6

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Sebastian's POV~

"Mother, I need 6 Japanese talck herbs." I requested

"Why would you want the most sacred herbs; and so many?" She spat

"The forbidden technique." I admitted quietly, her eyes widened.

"You know what could happen Lexifer!" she hissed

"Mother, Lexifer is not my name anymore; it's Sebastian! Now please, just give me the herbs so I can do the Forbidden switch of Taweret." I pleaded, Taweret is the goddess of birth.

"Lexifer, even if I had 6 herbs, why would I give it to you? You want to do the most forbidden thing in the demon world. You will be killed if you do it, and if you do it incorrectly you will kill your partner."

"They are my off spring and my romantic partner, I will do it correctly. If it makes Ciel happy in the end, I will be happy; even if it kills me."

"They have to be full demon for it to work, if there's even a small sliver of human DNA in them, there's a higher chance of it not surviving." She warned

"I'll take my chances. Now give me the herbs or I'll go to great aunt Sliv's." I threatened

When I was born my Great Aunt Silv wanted me to go live with her like my mother did, but my mother wanted me to grow up in my father's footsteps. After a few days of arguing my mother decided to take me into hiding until I grew up and took over the business.

I decided I wanted to follow my Grandmother's footsteps and become a servant demon. On average a servant demon will serve up to 11 humans in 1 thousand years.

Usually it's a disgrace to have any real relationship other that food and predator. Some servants end up loving their prey and want to be with them together forever, they end up turning their love into a shool, which is demon talk for half demon.

I was going to do it as a sign of love, but that was before mating week. It's usually also a symbol of engagement.

"Fine, but Lexifer, please be careful." She pleaded while handing me a branch of dried herbs.

"Thank you mother." I sighed in relief; I didn't want to go to Aunt Silv's. She'd complain about my life choice and forget all about the herbs.

I blinked out of that area to my home space.

Since Demon's don't need sleep or food, their home space is usually a storage area of the demon's possessions and of things that the demon enjoys.

Mine has things from past masters who I enjoyed serving, many books, a picture of Ciel, and many pictures of cats.

"Ah home sweet home." I mumbled, I walked over to the other ingredients I've collected so far. Japanese Tallk herbs, water from the nearest river, dried frog liver, blood from the Demon doing the technique. All check. Now all I need is hair from a cat.

"I can finally go back to the human world." I sighed to myself. "Hopefully Ciel is okay."

I blinked back to the over world and noticed it was about 1 a.m. 'Perfect time to go hunt down a cat.' I mused to myself.

I managed to get multiple hairs from a black cat near the main gates.

Usually I would've played with the cat, but I didn't have much time to waste.

I walked in the manor from the servant's entrance, when I got to the kitchen I heard arguing.

"I have to have surgery to get it out of me. I want to see my child while it grows up."

"Oh dear, why must you argue Annabeth?" I mumbled

I started up the stairs to hopefully stop the arguing before it got out of hand. When I got to the same floor Ciel and Annabeth were on Annabeth was rushing out of the room. I hid in the shadows while she passed so she wouldn't see me.

Instead of walking in right after a big fight I decided to go around the manor to see how the servants did without me to pick up the slack.

The seemed to have done well, though it was only 21 hours, I expected the whole place would be burnt to ashes.

I had forgotten about the time difference between the demon world and the over world. Two weeks had passed in the Demon world while only a few hours in the over world.

Though I am one hell of a butler; I can still forget things.

I looked around and noticed dust particles floating around in the air. "Mey Rin how do you fail at such a simple job?" I scoffed "Well it doesn't hurt to do a quick clean for my master and his guests."

After I re-cleaned the whole manor, except the rooms that are occupied, I decided it was time to see Ciel.

Ciel's POV~

I was fast asleep when I felt my body be shaken lightly.

"Don't disturb me when I'm sleeping you morons." I groaned while moving to try to get away from the hands that were touching me.

"I had hoped you were still awake." A deep voice replied amused.

"Sebastian! I'm so glad you're back. All these women are infuriating!" I exclaimed

"I wasn't even gone for 24 hours. I would've thought you could handle yourself." He chuckled

"I needed you so much today. Annabeth was yelling at me for wanting our babies and Lizzie's a prostitute and I had to handle my own excitement." I blushed

"I'm ever so sorry I was not there to help with your arousal, let me make it up to you." He purred while crawling on the bed towards me.

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