Cold and crule don't suit you

482 6 1

Ship: Chirisu
Rating: Mature (for gore)
Warning: Blood, mild description of violence, murder

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Chishiya found Arisu to be a confusing man. In a place like the borderlands, things like empathy and kindness were rare. Frankly, he couldn't understand why anyone would be genuinely kind in a death game scenario. Especially Arisu. The boy was kind to a fault, as in he'd sooner give the clothes off his back then let someone else suffer. And when your own survival counted on being self-sufficient and self-centered, his decision to put everyone before himself was rather stupid. 

Chishiya found the particular trait stupid but exploitable back in the beach, when his willingness to trust anyone who had good enough intentions benefited his plan. Then when the group escaped that hellhole — with Kuina's insistence to rescue their helpers — the selflessness became annoying. He couldn't keep watching out for Arisu because he was too busy trying to save some nameless nobody instead of himself. 

Now, he wished he'd appreciated that gentle sweetness a bit more. Wished he could go back and tell himself that soft, selfless Arisu was the best thing to happen to him. He watched on in muted horror the first time it happened. 

A spades game, one that required the participants to reach the end of a platform by crossing a set of very thin beams. The two of them had been at the end of the line, and with time quickly ticking down, he was starting to get very irritated with the person in front of them. They were terrified of heights and their progress was slow. He looked up at the timer, teeth grinding when less than a minute met his dark eyes. 

"Hurry up, or do you want us all to die!" He groaned to the person in front of them. Arisu hissed nervously as he too realized how little time they had. 

"I can't!" The person sobbed, and stupidly enough, they froze. God fucking damn it. Before Chishiya could do anything – not that he could from back here – Arisu decided they didn't have time for this, and proceeded to push them off the beam. He then grabbed Chishiya's hand and dragged them to the platform with just seconds to spare. 

Oh, God!. He had no care for that faceless person, their death meant nothing to Chishiya, and he knew, deep down, he would've done the same. That wasn't the issue. Because Arisu just pushed someone to their death, the kind, sweet boy who always looked so disappointed when Chishiya let anyone die. He stared, wide-eyed, at the ruffled boy, who looked no more upset than usual about a game. Like he hadn't taken a life. 

"Arisu," he started, testing the words as they escaped his mouth. He couldn't quite articulate his feelings on it, because in all honesty, how did he go about it? What could he even say?

"We barely survived! We would have died, Chishiya!" Arisu swallowed as he reasoned, sounding more like he wanted to convince himself. Chishiya frowned deeply, but nodded all the same instead of responding. After all, he'd be a hypocrite to say anything. "It was necessary," 

It was exactly what he wanted, for Arisu to quit his kindness and be a little selfish.  So why did it make him so unnerved, then, to have the boy follow his wishes? To have him kill another. Why did Chishiya even question when it was obviously the correct choice? He decided not to think about it any longer, it was just a one-off thing, and it did mean he got to walk away.

Until just a few days later, Arisu and Usagi returned dripping with crimson. He felt his heart in his throat at the sight, even more so when he realized Usagi was sobbing. Arisu easily brushed him off, though, with a not too comforting "it's not our blood,"before he walked off to wash up in the stream. Kuina gently held up the trembling girl, brushing. away crimson from her face.

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