Hawkins Sunsetting

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The usual fast paced heart rate began as my feet led me into the centre of town, my hearts constant beating causing my breath to become laboured and my vision to become blurred. Everything suddenly felt heavy or almost chaotic. I caught myself in the window of one of the stupid shop, i looked like a mess. Strands of hair covered my face, eyeliner smuged , mascara clinging to my lashes , my shirt felt too big almost as though it was drowning me , my jeans cuffed and covered with various sharpie drawings felt almost too attention grabbing and my sneakers felt too red . I shook my head before deciding to take my mind away from myself and my imperfections . My eyes cast themselves over to the video store were a familiar stranger stood at the counter. My feet practically rushed through the doors and upto the counter.

"Hey there- OMG?!" Steve took a double take before almost jumping into the air . "HOLY SHIT?! YOURE BACK??"

"I guess.." I rolled my eyes before giggling and looking around . My eyes fell onto another familiar face, semi familiar. I hadn't seen Robin Buckley since High school, since band and cheer practice. She looked almost-


"hey.." I smiled at her before turning my attention back to Steve

"you back for good or?"

"good. I'm back for good." I nodded. " I'm all...uh...better" I smiled before glancing at the male before me.

"That's good. Bet Dustin's happier now you're here ."

"really ?"

"yeah... he kinda didn't shut up about you while you were gone.. I mean you're his sister ? He missed you."

"oh... i mean he told me he missed me and that he's glad i'm back but i didn't think he meant it.. he's all over that Munson kid? Is that his name ? Eddie ?" I scanned over dvds next to the counter .


"jealous Harrington?"


"He is.!" Robin laughed before stepping into the little counter box

"you really think Munson is gonna replace my brothers literal dating slash life slash everything coach??" A laugh escaped my mouthy and caused me to throw my head back .

"See ? Even she thinks you're being stupid " Robin playfully pushed Steve. Dustin never mentioned this or them dating .

"Look..he worships you .. never shuts up about you " I roll my eyes before stepping away slightly and scanning for the horror section .

"oh..! Thanks"

Robin giggled at a now embarrassed Steve. I never knew Steve Harrington could get embarrassed, always felt as though he was some kinda emotionless god . I guess this is what adulthood does to some popular kid who's never faced rejection or even reality.

" looking for something?" Robin threw herself over the counter, eyes stuck onto mine. I never noticed how pretty they were or how good her hair looked or how it fitted her face perfectly. I shook my head as an answer, far too mesmerised to answer. I turned my attention back to searching for some basic horror movie .
My hand reached for one, its cover was practically red and had some blonde bimbo on the front ; probably the main and final girl. It was something to watch, i wasn't gonna pay too much attention to it.

"Just this ?"

"uh huh.."

"So since you're back..." Steve winked before combing his hands through his hair

"save it Harrington."

"Thought you'd be over him by now.."

"You thought wrong " I rolled my eyes. The "him" in question was none other than Billy Hargrove, my fake yet very real boyfriend. No one really knew how Billy and I "started " our relationship. In all truth we didn't. It started with me walking in on his dad almost beating him to death and Billy threatening me.


"You..you fucking tell anyone and your ass is dead. You hear me Henderson ?" Blood poured from his nose, his eyes looked heavy and almost too sad to blink open. Billy Hargrove was a dick , this was his only reason for his behaviour. I felt sorry for him.

"How about this... I won't say a word to anyone if you say we're together."

" and why would i do that ? just date some loser-"

"Billy...I can't believe you're the first person i'm even telling this to but...uh...ilikegirlsandnotguys." I hung my head in a cloud of shame , too embarrassed to even admit it fully.

" You ?  A fucking perfect little-"

"don't. I already feel like shit for it."

"why ?"

"because it's not exactly a good thing around here ? "

" i know that but-"

" look is it a deal or not ? cause if you even utter a word about me liking girls then i'll fucking tell everyone about you and your dad."

"like anyone would believe a girl lover ."

"like anyone would believe daddy's punching bag?"

"fine. Deal. "

" Thank you. You kinda look bad ass with bruises. You could lie and say you were fighting some guy tryna save me or something.. you'd be a chic magnet in minutes."

Billy laughed before patting me on the back , " yeah... about that.. can i cheat on my fake girlfriend?"

I rolled my eyes , " yes sure .. can i?"

He laughed again, this time harder and more friendlier, " yeah sure ... You're safe with me ."

"and you're safe with me.. if you need any help with that... call me. My dad kinda used to hit my mom so i kinda know a thing or two."

Billy nodded before pushing me out of his window . " goodnight my beautiful- BAHAHA- sorry... goodnight girlfriend"

I rolled my eyes at a now overly joyous billy pissing himself due to how funny he thought our situation was. " goodnight boyfriend..ew"


" no offence Harrington but you try having someone protect you and be there and then something takes your only sense of safety." I rolled my eyes before paying.


"it's fine.. it's just uh...hard you know"

" yeah well... if you ever need a shoulder to-"

"please stop hitting on me. It's not gonna worrrkkk "

" i know but... it could."

"uh huh... bye guys .."I waved before hopping onto my skateboard, my eyes glue to the ground and surroundings. The Hawkins sun setting over me .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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