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Hello! This is my absolute favorite OT4 so I am so happy to be writing something that finally involves all 4 of them. I will go down with this ship. Enjoy!!


Baizhu hummed happily as he quickly walked back home. He hadn't meant to stay at Bubu Pharmacy for as long as he did, but it couldn't be helped when a last-minute patient collapsed right in front of him just as he was about to leave earlier. He grumbled internally, but still got to work on treating the man. It was now late into the evening as he made his way home when he was supposed to be off in the early afternoon. Normally, going home was a neutral experience for him, but today, he couldn't wait to get there. It had been a while since all of his boys were together, and even though they had all been working today, they were all meeting up at the end of the day to sleep before having tomorrow off to spend time together.

"I'm home!" He called as he bent down to pull his shoes off and let Changsheng slither off him to go relax herself. He frowned slightly when he didn't get a reply, but a light from the living room told him where they were.

"Sorry I'm late, there was a-" he began, before cutting himself off abruptly. "What happened?" he asked instead when he saw the state they were in.

"It's just been a long day." Zhongli replied from his position on the couch, with dark circles starting to creep onto his face. Childe was flopped next to him, way too tired to even speak, and simply grunted in agreement. Diluc was sitting on the other couch next to them, with his head lying on the back of it, throwing an arm over his face as another spike of pain flashed through his head.

Baizhu knew it was going to be rough on them to get everyone here, and to have them finish enough work so they could take the next couple of days off, but he didn't think they would have been worked his hard. Zhongli looked as if he hadn't slept for days, and his eyes were slightly unfocused after reading over so many contracts for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Childe wasn't his energetic self like he usually was when one of them got home, and Baizhu could see bandages peeking out from under his sleeves and the gap in his torso. Baizhu didn't even want to think of what Diluc had to do with ensuring everything with the Winery would be okay, in addition to his more secret activities, but it had clearly done a number on him.

"Why don't you all go to bed?" Baizhu suggested keeping his voice soft and gentle so he wouldn't cause them any more pain.

"It's too early love, we still have some work to finish up first." Diluc groaned, his voice sounding way too scratchy for Baizhu's liking.

"It's close to midnight though." Baizhu informed them as he internally debated whether he should laugh or cry at their current situation.

"What?!" Zhongli and Diluc both gasped at once, whipping their heads to look in his direction which caused Diluc to flinch. Childe made a noise of some kind before he seemed to relax even further into the couch, clearly not planning to move again.

Baizhu sighed at their reactions, "Here I thought I was bad at keeping track of time today." He scolded lightly. "Come on." He urged grabbing Zhongli's hand to drag him to his feet.

Zhongli was thoroughly unhappy with the thought of moving, but a sharp look from Baizhu had his resistance melting. He knew better than to upset the doctor, especially when it came to doing what he said for their wellbeing. He let Baizhu help steady him on his feet, but before he could pull him into a hug, Baizhu had slipped out of his grip to go to Diluc.

"Come, up." He instructed, "I'll get something for that in a minute." Baizhu pulled Diluc's arm off his face, and kissed his forehead. Diluc grumbled in protest, but the pain was slowly easing as Baizhu rubbed at his temple.

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