Bloody Battles & Kiddnaping Princes

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3rd Person POV

A deceivingly delicate doll-like young male walked along the glimmering golden palace hallways. He had a long braid that reached down to his hips infused with sapphires, that occasionally jingled as he walked, ruby red eyes, a pale royal uniform with gold accents, a small sapphire crown atop his head, and a golden chain around his neck completed with a sapphire pendant to match. 

As he walked through the shimmering palace corridors, sapphires jingling in his braid, he was joined by another, a male who seemed to be the same age as him, if not a little younger.

The second young male was tall and skinny, with short curly hair, jade green eyes, a small bunch of chains decorated with ambers and brown opals shimmering with hidden rainbows atop his head as an almost makeshift crown, and almost the same uniform as the first male, but darker and with amber accents. The second carried himself with a nervous energy, constantly looking around and hunched over himself in defense against some unknown enemy.

After a moment the second cleared his throat. "America?" The first, America, hummed in response. "Why do you think father wanted us?" America was silent for a few moments before he spoke. "To be honest with you, Canada, I'm not entirely sure." The pair fell silent as they continued their walk.

Eventually they reached a pair of grand oak doors, infused with ambers, sapphires, opals, and a number of other precious stones. The doors were guarded by two older looking men with solemn expressions and joyless eyes, that told stories of many a battle and many a war.

The guard on the left stepped forward. "Crown Prince America, Crown Prince Canada. His royal highness, King Britain has been expecting you." America frowned slightly. "Well of course, that's why we came here after all. Now, if you would?" "Of course, your Highnesses." The guard bowed taking his place by the left of the door and pulling it open. "Thank you," The pair of princes coursed, before continuing on their way inside.

The room was huge an airy; the walls were golden with various onyx designs painted on to them. Thousands of gold and onyx lanterns, with various patterns resembling castle, mountains, trees, and rock formations, and glowing with ethereal blue fire were hung from crystalline crossbeams. Three huge arching windows with gold tinted glass were on either side of the room, trees just visible outside. The windows combined with the blue fires of the lanterns casted a gorgeous show of lights in various colors and shades across the room. An extremely expensive looking gold carpet started at the door and led to a grand throne, that matched the grand doors outside, in the center of the far wall.

A single figure could be seen lounging atop the throne. He had shoulder length curly hair, a dark onyx uniform with golden accents and a cloak to match, an obsidian scepter with glowing golden crystals jutting out of the top, glimmering golden eyes, and a huge circle of obsidian jutting out in spikes atop his head, infused with the same glowing gold crystals as his scepter.  There was no doubt this was The King.

The King instantly greeted the pair. "Hello my darlings! It is just wondrous to see you, though I do rather wish it was on better circumstances. I'm sure you must have been wondering why I called you here especially on such short notice?" Both the princes nodded. "Well, Im afraid to say I have just revived the most horrid news. It's just dreadful honestly, it completely ruined my day-" America drifted off as his Father continued to speak. King Britain had always been the type to talk for talking sake, and spent so much time rambling he often forgot to get to the point. Which is why his next words definitely surprised America. "Well I should get to the point, it is rather urgent, I'm sure we'll have time to talk a soon as the problem is solved. Well, the problem is that well, to put it simply, the Crown of Blood has been stolen!"

A startled gasp escaped from Canada. "What?! It was guarded by the best knights in the entire continent!" "I know it was just terribly shocking. And we'll just horrid, completely-" Britain was cut off by a blood covered knight slamming open the door. "My King, you and your sons must get to safety at once! There has been an attack on the castle!" Britain frowned, glancing at the blood dripping on the gold carpet. "We shall head into the treasury we shall surely be safe there, and it is just gorgeous." He paused, before adding "Oh and next time do try and keep your blood of the carpet it's rather sore on the eyes."

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