Drinking & Dreaming

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America blinked. Whoever this man was, he was undoubtedly a fool. Dragons loved gold and riches more than anything but bloodshed. He highly doubted China and Russia would hand over whatever it was this man wanted if he refused to pay them.

Sure enough Russia snorted. "Absolutely not. If you want the good get the gold. End of discussion." He man just chuckled. "You speak so soon." He snapped his fingers and hundreds of men exploded out of the forest around them.

America was dumbfounded, dragons supposedly had heightened senses, they should have been able to hear hundreds of men, heck even he should have. Russia let out a low growl. "Portals." The one eyed man smiled. "Exactly. My witch is ever so useful." He paused.

"Well now that you know the circumstances I'm sure we could come to an agreement. Either my men kill you and I get my goods, or you survive and I get the goods. Your decision."

Russia let out a snarl. China glanced back at America for a second. "Get the staff and crown from our bags." America glowered at him. "I'm not asking." China snarled. The prince rolled my eyes and, glower still prominent, grabbed the staff and crown from the small pile of bags.

America walked over and handed the staff to Russia. Russia gave America an odd look and glanced at China. The one eyed man smiled. "Well? Give them here." Before Russia could hand them over China shoved him back, grabbing America and pressing a knife to his throat.

The man laughed. "You think that will work? I don't need him." China frowned. "Well I suppose if you don't need him you won't mind if I slit his throat. He moved the knife closer to America. Just before the blade hit his skin the man lunged forward. "No!" China smiled.

"You do want him. Well, here's how this is going to go, if you want the prince alive you will take your men and leave us be, we will come find you when we decide to and if you want the goods, you will pay the price. Am I understood?" The one eyed man nodded anger burning in his gaze.

"Let's go men." The group turned around making their way out of the clearing. The rustling of bushes and footsteps disappeared when they disappeared from view.

"Portals Russia?" China angrily murmured. "Yes." Russia paused looking out a the forest for a moment. "We need to get our hands on that witch." China nodded. "And kill our lovely employer, once we get his gold of course. No one double crosses us."

"You can let go of the prince." China blinked a moved the knife away from America's throat, taking a step back. "Once we kill him, what do we do with the prince? He won't be useful anymore. Should we kill him?"

Russia snorted. "We could get a large ransom for him, but we'll deal with that when we need to. For now I want that witch, as long as our employer has her, he will have the advantage." China nodded. Russia continued with a a fixed glance at the prince. "But he can't try anything if he wants the prince alive, we have time."

China nodded, and opened his mouth about to say something when America's stomach grumbled loudly. Both dragons turned their attention to hum. "Will you eat rabbit?" Russia asked. America nodded. He walked towards the camp he and China had set up sometime while the prince was trying to sleep.

It consisted of a mossy green tent, a circle of rocks around a pile of logs, and a large pot suspended over said logs. He hadn't even noticed it earlier, all of the prince's attention had been on the one eyed man. America shivered the man had obviously wanted him for something. But what? Why did he want him? Ransom? The prince supposed so, it made the most sense after all. But something in him was telling America he wanted the prince for something more, something he quite couldn't grasp.

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