The phone call

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It was a normal day in the Feynman household. Fifteen-year-old Tommy was washing the dishes while his thirteen-year-old sister, Jenny, painted at the table and their mom was working in her studio. Their dad was out on a short business trip. He would be back in a few days. It was a normal day, so no one thought anything of it when the home phone began to ring.

"Jenny? Can you grab that please?" Mom called from her room.
"Sure mom!" Jenny called as she bounced over to the phone. "Hello?" She said into it before a huge grin split across her face. Tommy tuned her out as she continued to talk and wander towards her room. It was probably one of her friends from school. He focused back on his chore.
"Mom I'm done with the dishes," Tommy said poking his head into her office.
"Thanks Tommy. Can you ask your sister if she's done with her painting? If she is telling her to come back out and clean it up."
"Sure thing," Tommy said. He walked over to his sister's room hearing her still on the phone. He knocked before opening the door.
"Jenny. Mom wants you to deal with your painting stuff,"
"Is that Tommy?" A familiar voice called out from the phone.
"Yep, and I apparently have to go! See ya," Jenny said before shoving the phone into Tommy's hands. "It's Entity," she cheerfully said before waltzing out the door.
"What." Was all Tommy could say before cautiously lifting the phone to his ear.
"Heeey Tommy," the voice said.
"Yeah. How's it going?"
"I have many questions," Tommy started, "the first one is how the hell did you get our phone number? Did you like hack us or something."
"... I didn't hack you,"
"I feel like you're lying,"
"I'm not!" Entity shouted before taking a few deep breaths. "I'm not. When I tracked down the copy of the Digitizer, I got a lot of forms and information on it. One of those included contact information for your dad. That included your phone number,"
"So, in short. You got as close to hacking us as possible without actually hacking us?" Tommy asked wandering into his bedroom.
Entity sighed "Sure kid,"
"Kid? When did you start calling me kid,"
"In my head for about a month. In real life just now,"
"Okay then," Tommy sighed sitting down on his bed. "Anyway, how are you doing. Like in real life we have mostly occupied with Minecraft stuff when we talk,"
"Uhhh...fine? I guess? Like I haven't died or anything but nothing amazing has happened,"
Tommy was about to respond when his sister came bounding into his room.
"Put Entity on speaker!"
"Is that Jenny again?"
"Yeah...wait you and my sister talked? Like had an actual conversation?" Tommy said.
"Yeah? She asked me a lot of questions. Mostly if I was sure Herobrine was a sentient computer virus and not the ghost of Notch's brother," Tommy glanced at his sister who gave him an innocent smile. He did not believe it for a second. He still conceded and put the phone on speaker.
"Hi again Entity!"
"Hello, Jenny," Entity said fond exasperation in his voice.
"So! I had an idea! Can we give you a nick name or something? Mom would want to know more about you when," Jenny asked almost bouncing in place.
"You could just use my real name? John,"
"Cool!" Jenny said. "That means we can introduce you as John we meet through Minecraft and not Entity 303, we meet through Minecraft!"
"I feel like you shouldn't introduce me like that at all,"
"I mean mom works through the internet, so she probably won't be that weirded out," Tommy pointed out.
"True but it's your problem to explain to your parents that I'm the thirty-year-old man you met through the internet,"
"Eh, that's fair," Tommy said shrugging before releasing something. "Did you like need anything? Or did you just call to say hi?"
"Right almost forgot about that!" John said, his voice going faint for a moment before getting louder again. "There's something weird going on in Minecraft it completely glitched out for a minute or so. It didn't crash. It just stopped working. Then it just started again like nothing had happened. But I thought I saw some stuff that could only be achieved with mods like the Northern lights and what I think might have been deer."
"Yikes, do you think we should check it out?"
"Yeah probably. I'll check on Herobrine. You check on the NPCs?"
"Sure," Tommy hung up. Jenny hopped off her bed and bolted to the basement. Tommy followed her as he called to their mom that they were going to be playing Minecraft.

He got into the basement just as his sister was just logging in. The two of them ran through their usual routine. Tommy setting up the bean bags and blankets. They had started using them so neither of them were sitting in the office chairs in the cold basement for long periods of time.
"You're in charge Jenny," Tommy said as the digitizer powered up. Then everything went white.

(A/N) First story I'm posting on this site and in case you missed it this is essentially a practice story for me. I'm of course still going to put effort into the chapters but the updates will not be consistent. Anyway hope you enjoyed:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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