Chapter 31: Shu Vs Yoshitsune

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-Southern Territory, November 25th, 2005-

Running from building to building, Shu quickly makes his way near the outskirts of the Southern Territory. Taking off his hood as he was away from the public, Shu begins to traverse the outskirts.

Shu: I expected it to be quiet but I can't seem to shake a suspicion.

Continuing the travel the outskirts, Shu made his way towards a large group of mountains. On a flat hill, Shu noticed a small looking dojo. Shaking his head, he decides to enter it.

Shu: It doesn't look horrible. Is it abandoned?

???: Oh. I didn't see you there.

Looking behind him, a man began walking towards the dojo. Opening the door, the man invites Shu in and the two sit down.

???: Care for some tea?

Shu: Hmm. I guess.

Pouring Shu a cup of tea, the man puts the kettle down and begins to drink. Drinking the tea, Shu skeptically drinks it and relaxes.

Shu: You must own this place, right?

???: Correct. I've been living here for a decade now.

Darting his eyes to the side, Shu sees two blades. Looking back over to the man.

Shu: Those blades, Do they have names?

???: Ah. One of them is named Yoritomo, after my sibling, and the other is named Hephaestus. They're both very precious to me.

Shu: I see.

???: So, what brings you out here?

Shu: I'm on a mission.

???: Ah, I see. What might this mission be?

Shu: Don't worry about it.

???: More tea?

Shu: Go ahead.

Drinking the tea, Shu looks over to the television. Clearly bored, Shu turns back over to the man.

Shu: So, who are you?

???: Just a regular swordsman. Living in this dojo is quite nice. Quick and accessible training.

Shu: Does it not get boring to be living out here all by yourself? Do you even get to train and battle with others?

???: Not typically. Training alone is perfectly fine with me.

Shu: You got any friends, a girlfriend, maybe even wife?

???: Not anymore. What about you?

Shu: Hmm. There were these three girls who I know had huge crushes on me....

???: Tell me about them.

Shu: Well, first there was this girl named Akane Hoshito. I won't deny she's cute but her brother recently died so out of respect, I'd rather not go out with her.

???: You seem like a respectable young man. What about the other two?

Shu: Another one, Mari Kushigi, my child hood friend. I haven't seen her in over a year at this point. I have no clue what she's doing.

???: Did you two hit it off?

Shu: I did it out of pity. I don't like it when someone begs me for something. I'll answer when I've thought about it enough. She's not a bad person though. I wanna view her as a future partner but...I think she might go insane.

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