The boys meeting My Dad...akward.

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(Makayla pov)

Previously on MDAOFD: I moved on to Niall and drunk his blood but this time I was used to the burning sensation and I kissed him passionately.

His named glowed.

I went to Harry next and drunk his blood to which like the others was the same thing I kissed all the boys and after that I fell out.

(Harry pov)

What the hell Makayla just fell out

It's probley because she going through the mating process.

Zayn picked her up and took her to her room.

"so guys since Makayla is an Angel I wanted to do a little research on her."Liam left and went into the secret library.

What the fuck just happen?

(Liam pov)

I walked into the library going up to the A's section.

Running my fingers through the dusty books and fall upon the angels book.

I flipped the pages and found Makayla Ciara pharr (A/n yea I don't know if the devil have a son or a last name so I made that)

"she's is the prophecy which hold five mates she will go against her Dad and grandfather and she's very powerful she got powers like:fire elemental,water,earth,wind and healing powers,flying,heat vision,mind powers,reading people minds,seeing the future,and so much more the prophecy exclaims that on the next full moon in the year 2020 she be At war with her family (Dad/granddad)if the angel cry then they will rule over the world only she can stop it along with her mates...Liam James Payne,Louis William Tomlinson,Zayn jadwadd Malik(what ever how u spell his middle name),Niall James horan,Harold Edward styles and Makayla Ciara pharr is are only hope."

I Finnish reading so we are the only hope??


(Zayn pov)

I carried her up to her room and lay her on her bed then I kissed her head.I was walking to the door until I heard Liam yelled for us to come for the group meeting.

"Vas happening!?!"I said in worrie.

"well this is what happening..."

Liam showed us the book he read and I quickly scanned it damn she has alot of powers...

But we only have three months.

What the hell we are supposed to train her in three months??

We heard foot steps coming down stairs and we saw are beautiful mate.

(Makayla pov)

I walked down stairs to face the boys.. I kinda was eavesdropping

So I have alot of powers awesome.

"what are yo-"Liam started but a gust of wind cute him off then the lights went out which caused the boys to protect me. I heard an evil laugh which I assumed was my father.

"what you want?? Father?"I asked then he appeared on are couch.

"well your not that stupid I give you that..."he chuckled.

"like I said what you want?"I screamed I was so angry.

"I want you. You can come to the underworld with us we can take over me and you father&daughter.."

He smiled evily.

"what about grandpa?"I asked really not caring but then caring he's family.

"well he's turning back to good yah know he was an angel before therefore I can't trust him."

I rolled my eyes.

"just because he turning back to the angel he once was doesn't mean you can't trust him he's your Dad for God sakes."

He winced."never say God."


"you will regret it later."then he vanished.

"this will be a long day."

I rolled my eyes.

"yeah go get some sleep love because you got training in the morning."

Louis said.

Omg training Omg I'm training my.powers awesome...

I ran up stairs and fell asleep.


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