Freaky Friday...?but it's not Friday!!

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Previously on mdaofd: where was you??"I asked her.

"the underworld,long story I tell you in the morning let's get home first."she said and we changed into wolf form and ran home.

When we got there Makayla was engulf with questions and hugs she answered truefully.

And went upstairs to sleep then we all did the Same.

(Makayla pov)

After the underworld stuff I went asleep...Xx

"awww she's so cute when she sleep!!"

I recognized this voice my step-Mom.

I open my eyes she's right there.

"I thought you was dead."

She shook her head.

"nope!"she said popping the 'p' then she giggled.

"sweetie your in danger....your grandad maybe changing but your Dad is forever stupid and evil."

I looked up at her this seemed to real I tried to touch her but I went right through.

"your not here your fake!!" I screamed and cry'd then curled into a ball because I loved her as a mother.

"love why you sad?"this time it was zayn voice.

I looked up and tried to hug him but did the same...

But went through.

"I can't believe your fake but look so real."

"just just just just!!"it sounded as if zayn was on auto replay....

I cry'd more this place is freaky I want to leave I closed my eyes and open them I was at a park...

A girl was singing swagger Jagger by cher Lloyd she was fantastic!!

(A/n this is my other book singing on the streets she actually sing swagger Jagger lol)

Then when no one was looking some man in all black stab the girl and everyone laughed...


This kinda remind me of a book I was reading the book was about a girl who get trapped in her mind and the only way to get out is to tell at least three things you did that you never told a soul.

What if I'm in My head??

I gotta tell the truth...

"um I was bisexual!" Nothing happen.

"I stolen money from my Mom before when she was alive."


"I almost killed someone."this time a hole appeared....

And people was looking at me strangely.

They had death looks like they would kill me if I leave.

"I smoked before."

The hole gotten bigger and everyone started running towards me.

"um I um drunken my.Dad before." Then I started to float towards the hole towards the light. But a person grabbed my foot and I kick his or her face and floated towards the light still...

I woke up in my room looking at the boys worried face.

"freaky Friday dream!!"

I screamed...

"but it's not Friday!"Niall,said

Kinda ruined My spirit..


Haha lol how was it oh and I need new characters for her army some will live some will die mahawahhhaa!!






Love ya :-P

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