Shinano 2

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((By now you should realize that, this fanfic is basically two-shots, which follows a certain character and their interaction with the OC.))

((I may, or not, make a part 2 for other characters, specifically, because I see it as not important, then again there may be a part 3 for other characters too.))




I have found myself right in front of this one's dinery once more, thus I wonder, I became like a magnet. I was completely attracted, I have completely fallen, and this one poses a question, thus what did he do, what made him make me... this... weak?

I have never dream of his once in this one's long slumber, thus I don't see why I have been attracted to him. As if his being a gift from the all too gracious fate itself. No... It's more like his figure isn't responding to the fate itself. 

Then I didn't know, what was the reason, on that night, I could swear my feet were weak, my hands trembled, from a simple compliment from him. 't would seems that I am troubled by this man.

Whilst I can't ignore the fact that I do enjoy being troubled by his presence. He radiates both a comfortable presence, yet this one's heart isn't comfortable in his presence.

I have noticed how this one's voice pitch, increases. How my heartbeat makes it feel like my heart would burst out of my chest any moment sharing a moment with him. In spite of the fact that I do know that this one's event is not a dream... I am unable to help myself from the fact that he was too dreamy, too good to be true.

Thus such, my dreams can never reflect upon his figure, because my eyes does not wish to see him in a dream, rather in person itself. 

I held the sliding door's handle gently, however a problem appears, my hand is trembling... Trembling a lot, a reason I don't know, but I am completely highly strung. 

((Highly strung can be easily upset or very nervous, but in this case we are using the latter, to project how nervous she is))

Nonetheless, I have managed to keep one's self at once, before opening the door. I was greeted by the soft aroma of tea, and I was greeted by Yui himself sitting in a seiza position at the tatami mat, drinking tea behind the counter. 

"Welcome to Uneventful Night." Yui greeted me almost instantaneously, his smile once more radiated such a benevolent light. A benevolent light that made my heart flitter and dance at the sight of such a graceful smile. 

"Oh?" He managed to recognize me, and however, that fact brought me consolation and joy, jsut the sigh of him recognizing me, remembering me, and offering me his smile...

I didn't know why, have I truly fallen in love? 

I stepped inside, removing my shoes and entering with my socks on. I greeted him back with a small smile that subconsciously slipped into my face. "Good... morning."

"Good morning. Is it like last time?" He asked while pulling out his small notepad on his hands, a pen on his hands while I only nodded, a bit meekly.

Though unfortunately, 't would seem as though this one noticed my meek expression. 

"Is there anything wrong?" His voice was both a soft song, and a consoling lullaby. His voice filled with concern towards me, brought me joy alike. 

"I- None..." In spite of the fact that I am indeed quite, well a bit too heavily strung by his voice and smile, 't would seem that he hasn't noticed that yet. However, Yui himself, never bought my reply.

"Are you sure? If you ever need something, be more forward. I'll always listen." Yui said with that same smile. 

"If it is possible... I have a... question." I replied with a soft and weak tone, and Yui only nodded. 

"Please go ahead." 

"What does this one think of love?" It was a simple question, however the fact that I do not understand it, it has boggled with my mind, it posed multiple unnecessary questions in this one's brain. 

"Love? Well, there's a lot of type of love, romantically, platonically, or simply just familiar love. But I do think loving is being happy, the ability to love others, and to love objects, is a very beautiful thing." Yui answered my question with confidence, though it seems as though this one's mind is being affected by his words.

Thus I can't help but simply sink into his beautiful eyes when he talks about discussions partaking in such a subject. 

"I see... 't would seem... that this one is a... optimistic individual." 

"Thank you, I'm proud of it." Yui smiled at me brightly and warmly, a warm smile that seem to melt the visions of war, as if I would want to spend my whole entire existence beside him, in this place. 

"Being happy... huh? What does... your brain tell you... about... our purpose made for war... being happy...?" 

"Your purpose made for war? I can't deny that the though of being in front of someone that has killed thousands is a bit unnerving..." Yui trailed off, that I should have thought, this one's purpose is simply for war, as thus it can not change in every era, that I can only do, is to do my duties as my creators appointed to me.

"But being happy, isn't something to be ashamed of. There's nothing bad in wanting to be happy despite being made for war." 

My eyes widened, it's this feeling again. Was this shock, was this relief? This one doesn't know what my emotions are right now, this rampant and fluttering warmth in my heart. As if butterflies were in my stomach.

As though, as if again, I will be simply washed away by the words that he speaks, there's no doubt about it. 

I've sunk to the depths for him.

And this one doesn't plan on ascending to the surface of the waters...




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