12 Ocean

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A couple of weeks later...

I was floating in the ocean, breathing in the salty air as deeply as I could.

My toes were buried in the sand, and soft waves lapped around me. The sun was shining, kissing my cheeks causing freckles to appear. My nostrils breathed in the salty warm air, making me feel like I was hugged. I relaxed.

Then I felt the temperature shift. The cool teal water turned to a dark blue, and the wind picked up. Gasping for air, I felt the ocean floor disintegrate beneath me.

I could no longer reach the bottom of the sea floor. My arms were paralyzed, unmoving. I opened my mouth, desperately trying to get air in. But I couldn't even breathe.

I was drowning.

I felt my lungs constrict by the corset that appeared around my waist.

It's good.

I heard a voice say.

Give in.

I woke up gasping for air, my waist aching from the attempts for my diaphragm to fully expand.

As if right on cue, Theodore appeared in the doorway.

"How did you sleep, my dear?" Theodore asked, a sly smile forming on his face.

"Not great," I admitted rolling out of bed.

"You seem to be breathing quite heavily, are you alright?"

I blushed at his words. "I had a bad dream," I admitted.

"I'm sorry about that my dear." His voice sounded sympathetic, but his eyes were like a serpent's.

"A good breakfast will set your day right. But first..." he gestured toward the corner of the room and closed his eyes as he did so.

I made my way over to the mirror, my eyes glued to my waist.

I should've appreciated my freedom while I had it.

Theodore's hands wrapped around my waist.

"Mhmm," he hummed. "Let's get you all tightened up shall we?"

He stroked the sides of my waist before retrieving the corset from the closet.

"This one corset number #28 also called Rosalie." He said gesturing to the corset in his hands.

"Arms up." He instructed.

After the corset was over my chest loosely, he began to buckle each clip in the front. He then went behind me and I sucked in a deep breath.

Instead of starting to lace the back, he spoke words that sent cold blood through my veins.

"Lily-Ann, you know I'm trying to take care of you. But if you try to breathe in as much air as possible before I tighten you up, it will make it harder for me to do so."

I whimpered.

"Now be a good girl and breathe all the air out."

I obeyed and let go of my only chance of comfort.

"Good girl." He said slowly.

He started lacing me up. I could feel him adjusting the lace designs first as if teasing me. I could tell he enjoyed this.

Was I supposed to enjoy this? Was this supposed to be somewhat sexual? Was I supposed to feel flattered? I wasn't sure. And that bothered me.

I gasped. My thoughts were torn in half by the lacing.

"What's wrong love?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing. It was sudden is all."

"Try to stay still." He advised.

Second pull.

Third pull.

Fourth pull.

And the fifth quick yank.

"There. All secure now."

His fingers ran along the curves of my waist. It was now a couple of inches from his fingers touching each other when they were placed on my waist.

"You look wonderful my darling."

I smiled in return and looked at the floor praying that my blush would be disguised by the shadows.

"Lily-Ann, don't you know it's impolite to look away from someone whilst they're talking to you?"

I snapped my head up. "I'm sorry," I mumbled.

He kissed my forehead.

"Get dressed, and then hither downstairs for breakfast." He ordered.

I nodded

"Lily-Ann, you must understand that when someone talks to you, you have to answer verbally."

"Sorry. I will."

Theodore sighed. "We'll have to brush up on your manners after breakfast."

And with that, he walked off. I pulled out a blue dress from the wardrobe and got dressed.


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Luv ya.

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