24 His Truth

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I lay in my bed - but this morning I was unable to get out of bed.

At all.

I couldn't breathe at this point. My breaths were tiny and so frequent I would lose count. I felt like a fish out of water laying on land only opening its mouth and not breathing. My thoughts were screaming endlessly in my head breaking apart all senses of logic. My breath was running out faster than I could count.

I had enough.

I stood up and collapsed on the floor coughing uncontrollably. I had to find something - to cut this open.

My hands made their way over to my back; of course, the lace was tucked away. I looked in the mirror.

My eyes didn't look like my eyes anymore. They looked like my replica, made out of glass. My own eyes gouged out, and these glass ones put in.

His eyes were always glinting something sinister behind them, and mine were glassy as I had been always holding back my tears.

But enough crying. 

Suddenly I saw a weak woman lying there.

Her waist a mere 8 inches.

My body didn't get used to it in time. It was too fast. I heard a little voice whisper in my head You'll get used to it. Just wait a little longer. But I couldn't wait any longer. And that didn't make me impatient. It didn't make me weak.

I allowed the truth to flood my head.

Theodore was trying to kill me. He was slowly choking me to my death. I didn't know why, but that didn't matter. I held in my tears.

I had to escape.

I looked under the bed, but as if in vain, of course, there wouldn't be a secret dagger or knife.

I stifled a cry. Tears welled in my eyes. But I couldn't give up. Not after all this time. 

No giving up. No.

My eyes stared into the mirror once again. That damn mirror. That fucking mirror.

I crawled to it, my tears evaporating from my steaming anger.

That's when I kicked the edge of it, and it came crashing down on the floor with a euphoric clash.

My fingers wrapped around a piece big enough to be named Freedom.

I knew that Theodore must've heard the clash. I dug the glass into my side with so much force that it ripped the corset right away. I continued cutting away at it until I tore it apart with my fingers. I ripped it off.

I breathed in as much air as I wanted. I had forgotten how to breathe. My head cleared. I felt whole. Almost.

I still had to get out of here.

I grabbed the same shard and a couple of other ones in the pockets of my dress that had its sides ripped now as well. I grabbed my diary- no way was I leaving it. I tumbled down the hallway and the stairs.

I felt someone grab my hand. Theodore.

"Lily-Ann, what happened? Is everything alright?"

"Get away from me you son of a bitch." I took the shard of glass and slashed his face and I ran away.

His shocked expression lingered in my mind but disappeared as I ran to the door.

I shook the door I once entered. Of course, it was locked.

"Lily-Ann! This behavior is atrocious! And where is your corset?" He asked his voice raising, feet stopping on the wooden floor.

"Let me go! Let me out!" I screamed at him.

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