A New Threat

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Brief Description- Years beyond Paradis and its overwhelming adventures, a new generation takes place in the Survey Corps, placing them in a strange situation. Throughout the years of advancement and peace, a new threat has come to play. . new Titans sprouting from beyond matters, soldiers disappearing out of the question, and of course, it's up for the new generation of the Scouts to figure out what has been happening! However. . Mary Ackerman, the replacement of Captain Levi has her suspicions. . . . . . 


The world changed, especially the districts over-towering Sina that had civilized technology that Paradis certainly couldn't imagine having considering they were a small island used to birth future soldiers and slay Titans as a hobby. Of course, there are the three original Regiments: Military Police, Garrison, and Scout. The rules never changed during the years of innovation, but the people did, particularly the Scout Regiment. Birthing of the future, and how a new threat had come upon Paradis which lurked over the Scouts, of course having to deal with every scenario with corpses onto every mission they planned to succeed, but significantly failed at.

Mary, the new main Lieutenant of the Scouts and Captain Levi's daughter, stepped into Erwin's office in her natural Scout garment. However, Erwin wasn't in his chair as he usually was. Instead, it was Elisia, his daughter and the new Commander. Mary and Elisia took the silence to stare at each other, knowing that the office lingered the same way. The flowers in the glass vase sprouted beautifully into young buds after the other bellflowers had died, the wood ledges around the window unscathed, the couch patted from dirt, and many things that stayed and Elisia admired.

The silence eventually snapped once a loud sigh escaped Elisia's lips. "Yes, Mary?" She scooped up the paperwork in front of her then used the table to pat the underside of the paper to neatly organize it. Elisia's aquamarine eyes that would always produce a shimmering glint from the Sun tracked Mary to the couch. She brushed a strand of hair away from her shoulders, gently setting the stacked papers to the side. "Is it bad?"

"No, but. . the threat is retained. Continuous absences of soldiers are still questionable, and possibly increasing." Mary slumped her body forward, placing her elbows on her thighs while her fingers interlaced with each other to be used as a chin rest. "That's what I have from Alya."

"Shit." What all that Elisia concurred. The stillness returned, but the minds of the two women were loud. Mary stood up from the couch, rubbing her hand over her face in distress.

"Okay." She said, casually walking to the door and placing her hand on the knob. "I'm going to meet up with Alya and find Captain Levi. Report the news. . 'n stuff." She uttered those last words, detached from her thoughts.

"They are on the interstate. Commander Erwin is there too." Fortunately, they haven't retired from their positions just yet, it gave Mary a relieving crawl up her skin. "Near the Capitol, they are currently in a meeting with Shadis."

"Oh. That's fine." Mary stepped out, about to shut the door until Elisia alarmed her with an 'oh, and Mary?' "Yeah?" Mary peered in rather than stepping back in.

"I strongly agree with the others that it's not her." Was the last thing she said before Mary shot a "that's what you believe" then shutting the door and walking down the hallway that led to the front door. She hummed a nice melody in her head that Levi would hum to her in order to calm herself down or either drift asleep, which worked once she strode outside, the glint of the bright Sun glaring down at her like a spotlight.

Alya waited by the fence with two horses. Mary apathetically approached her, slipping her hand into her horse's leash. "So?"

"She agrees that it's not Poppy." Mary flung the leash on the back of the saddle, tying it around the little pole that stuck onto it before snatching onto the reins to boost herself up on the horse.

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