Chapter one

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Sakusa's POV:

I saw a boy standing in the corner, an innocent little princess if I had to describe him. I don't know how long he's been there, but he's been staring at his phone instead of enjoying the party. So, I do the only reasonable thing and I walk over to him across the glass dance floor that had newly tiled steps. Once in range, I call out to him. "Hey princess, are you here alone?" I sent him a smooth smile, to which he returned with, "One, not your princess. Two, I'm not interested, and three, I have a boyfriend. So back off dumb fuck." The little Princess is a little feisty. I like it. "Where is your boyfriend now princess?~ I don't see him keeping guard of his treasure." I snickered, taking a step closer. "Eh, probably off fucking some floozy, but who's keeping tabs." I watched my princess roll his eyes. "Well then, he clearly doesn't know how to take care of my princess." My Princess took a step back, his cute gray eyes widening slightly, "Your princess? A little forward there Prince Charming." My gray-haired princess scoffed with a bit of...sass? Sarcasm? Who cares, it's cute. "What a sassy little princess you are, I think it's cute." I lifted his chin with my knuckle. "I'm sure you get into a lot of trouble with that mouth~"

"A pretty baby like you doesn't belong here anyways, let me take you home with me." I leaned in and cornered my princess against the wall, "It's too dangerous." I warned. Only to get a giggle in response "You don't even know my name. How do you know I'm not the danger you're so eager to save me from?~" I laughed at the childish response. "Cute, but I know you aren't a dangerous princess." I chuckled darkly, sliding my hand down the neck and gently lacing my finger through my princess' choker, pulling a little on it. "I know you're nothing but an innocent little cutie, who is just trying to be a brat." I could feel the little gasp my cute princess tried to hide, which caused me to smirk.

Osamu's POV:

Who is this buffoon talking to? He just seems like an idiot that thinks with his dick. "Well, for someone who thinks with his dick, ya sure got a lot of bravery...or stupidity. Its hard to decide." I smirked up at the stranger, whose Onyx eyes seemed to try and captivate me, they failed miserably, but they still tried. "You need to watch your manners, you never know what words can cause trouble." He brought his free hand to my waist, and pulled me in close, forcing me to look up. "Though, it seems like the trouble you cause~" I inwardly cringed at that. What kind of flirting is this? "C'mere princess, let me take you home, show you how a princess like you should be treated." I hummed, leaning into this stranger's chest, looking up at him, then a thought occurred to me...I should mess with him~

"Then show me how I should be treated~" I stood on my tiptoes, kissing his chin softly. "Then let's go princess, I'm not keeping you here longer than necessary." He leaned down and tried to kiss me, I just pulled away. "Ah-ah-ah~ that's a no-no Prince Charming, I still have a boyfriend." I snickered. "Who's a deadbeat and doesn't deserve you." I snorted. "Fair. But I'm not leaving here-" I was cut off by a kiss, quick and chaste. "Leave him, and come with me. He has no right to claim what's mine." His grip tightened as he tugged me along. What did I get myself into?

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