An Accident...

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Sideswipe smirked as he saw the rat like tail of Pest flick back and forth from inside the console... 'what was that silly little rat doing? Oh yea, thats right.. he's the ships smallest mechanic! And where theres Pest... Vermin isn't to far behind!'

I- I didn't know... I thought- I didn't think-

Sideswipe had a great idea.. a little prank on Pest... he'd just close the panel Pest used to get into the machine! Then he'd be stuck till Vermin came back! 'Hah! It'd be hilarious! Wait, Pest was the one who likes tight spaces, right? Or was he the claustrophobic one... nah! He likes em!'

Please.. I didn't want this to happen..!

Sideswipe walked over to the console, chuckling as he bent down... his pedesteps making a soft noise against the floor...

I wish I could take it back... really!

"Yo Pest! Whatcha doin rat boy?"   "Hmm? Oh! Hi Sideswipe! Just fixing the console for Blaster! Hey, uhm.. could you hand me my 16 wrench?"

By primus he didn't even see it coming..

"Yea, here ya go" Sideswipe gave Pest the wrench... and shut the panel as he did so.. laughing as he heard Pest make yelp...

I- I couldn't hear him scream...


Across the whole base, down with Prowl training, Vermin felt something was... off... he felt a tug at his spark from Pests side of the bond..

Why did I ignore it..?

'I dont have time for this Pest.. it can wait till later...' Vermin closed off his side of the bond, promptly making it so he couldn't feel Pest tugging, or speaking to him..

He never does that when im in training... why did I think he was messing around..?

Pest tugged... primus he kept trying to get Vermin to answer.. but he wouldn't.. 'damn it Pest! Why wont he stop?!'

Why was I angry..?


'Why wont he answer?! Vermin! Vermin please!' Pest kept tugging on their bond, screaming for help... he hated tight spaces.. why would Sideswipe do this?

.... it was so cramped...

"Help! Please! Please let me out!" The metal was to thick... they couldn't hear him beg... couldn't hear him beg and cry...

Five hours..

He screamed for 30 minutes.. tugging and pulling at his bond, begging for Vermin to answer....

Why couldn't they hear me?


Why was I happy when I couldn't find him..?

'Damn.. Pest must have had an out of ship repair.. thank primus he stopped...' Vermin looked around for a bit.. he didn't question the unusual inactivity of his twins side of the bond..

I should have known something was off!

Vermin didn't question it till the second hour of just silence... 'Pest, where are you? Hey... hey answer me... Why is your side closed..?'

Why did it take so long to realize something was off...

He walked around till he saw Pests toolbox.. 'he never leaves his tools out... he spent a good 150 credits on these things..'

Why didn't I open the panel...

Vermin walked off, leaving the tools in he and Pests room...


Sideswipe saw Vermin in the common rooms couch... but where was Pest? Pest hated being away from Vermin when he didn't really have to be...

Why didn't I check on him...?

"Hey, wheres Pest?"   "Huh? Oh, I dont know.. he wont answer my bond.." Sideswipe paused.. Vermin got Pest out... right..? Its... it's been four and a half hours...

I will never forgive myself...

"Yo... you did.. get Pest out the console right..?"   "What do you... mean..?" Sideswipes spark dropped... was... was Vermin not with Pest when he- oh- Oh slag!

Im such an idiot...

"You.. you were with him.. when.. he was doing repairs to the console, weren't you..?"   "No... I was training with Prowl.."

[_Why didn't we think anything was wrong_]

They ran... they ran as fast as their pedes would take them... begging to primus he by some miracle wasn't gone...

I couldn't feel his spark beat with mine.. but I had to be optimistic.. thats what Pest always said..

They tore the panel off the machine.. Vermin just... broke down... he pulled the limp, cold, unmoving body of his twin close... cradling it.. rocking back and forth.. begging for him to wake up.. pulling at his spark for something.. anything...

We're together forever now.. but at what cost?

"I- I'll go get Ratchet!" Sideswipe ran.. he ran as fast as he could... he needed Ratchet.. he needed Pest to be ok.. you cant have one twin without the other.. they wouldn't survive

I feel like him.. I'm so much more optimistic... was this what he felt like?

Ratchet tried.. he spent hours.. but.. his body was gone.. he was only barely able to bring his spark back... but it wouldn't survive within its body...  he would need to transfer it to Vermins body... atleast.. atleast for a few weeks...

3 months... we spent 3 months like this...

"Vermin... I.. your going tah need to share... a body for a little..."   "anything, of course! H- how would it work though..? Will we both have control? Can I talk with him? Will we merge? How will I- we act?"

I didn't think it'd be this bad... I- I didn't know he was... I didn't know he had all the separation anxiety.. we didn't know we we're to halfs to a whole person... it didn't... necessarily feel... wrong... just strange.. especially since Pest seemed way more... depressed...

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