Chapter Three

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Aaron sat on the bed resting his head against a propped-up pillow. Jake leaned in close and whispered something in his ear. A private moment between the two quickly turned into an eager kiss. Jake sat in between Aaron's legs and slowly started to pull his jeans down. Aaron was showing through his gray underwear. You looked at his wine-red face and made eye contact. You couldn't help but indulge in a kiss with him. As the two of you got deeper into the kiss you climbed on top of him. He started to pull on your shorts along with your underwear. All of a sudden Jake's hands could be felt on your back. He got closer to you and trailed kisses up to your neck. He rested his head on your shoulder and hands on your waist. "Is this okay?" Jake asks you. You were a mumbling mess. "I- ah yes Jake" you responded. He pulled your shirt up as if he was trying to rip it off. At the same time, Aaron threw your clothes off the bed. Their eyes searched and scanned your body. You could feel Jake's bare back against yours. He kissed your cheek and said. "I want you to pull Aaron's waistband down for me" You and Aaron were flushed red. You were on top of Aaron and Jake was pressing up behind you. You could feel his presence against your thigh. You slowly pull Aaron's waistband down having an intense moment of eye contact. Aaron's desire for you was clear. His cheeky look struck something in you. You start to slip your hands up and down his body. You grab him. Fingers, gripping, gliding, and holding. Aaron's lips parted. You could feel Jake's hot red face against yours. He was thoroughly enjoying the show. "Ngh....yeah...keep going," Aaron said. Aaron made eye contact with Jake. It was like electricity between the two. Jake moved his hands from your waist to your inner thighs. "Can I please you?" Jake said with a heavy sigh close to your ear. "I wouldn't want anything else, '' you replied. Your nectar was dripping onto his. Up against your threshold, he slowly entered. Your head fell back on his shoulder as your hands continued to work Aaron. A moan escaped your mouth. "Mhm.... yeah, you like that?" Jake moans as he pushes deeper in. "Please more," you ask him "Oh..this is just the beginning" He pushes in this time both of you breathe intensely. As time passes sweat drips down his forehead and his skin rubs against yours. You and Jake enter a rhythm of sweet love. Aaron rests on his elbows and enjoys the view of you and Jake in pure ecstasy. Jake's hands played with your body. You lose self-control to the animalistic desires inside of you. "More Jake!" you let out. "Now you're speaking my language," he says with a smirk. He thrusts deeper into you while groaning. Aaron observes you and grabs your fleeting fingers. He holds your hand in place and you move together. His other fingers are on your cheek as he stares at your desire-filled eyes from inches away. You kiss and your tongues crave each other. "I'm close, How about you?" Aaron asks you out of breath. You try to get a word out against Jake's passionate thrusts. You feel a rush of colors in your body trying to escape. Your breathing slows. Aaron presses up against your chest and places his forehead on yours. "Let's stroke together hmm?" he says softly. "Ohh.....hgh...Y/n!" Jake groans louder and you can tell he is at his peak. He brings his hands back to your hips and buries himself in your neck. You feel harmony and the world slows. Your body twitches as it fails to hold on to all of the pleasure swirling inside you. At the same time, Aaron is at the height of the mountains. You feel his hot shimmering adoration cover you. Drops drip slowly off your chest. Jake comes up for air out of your threshold. You look back and you feel his deep affection on your back in heaps. Several drops land on the side of your cheek. The three of you out of breath collapse onto the bed. The boys notice you are covered in their passion. They are flustered as they gain an awareness of what transpired.

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