The Interview

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The last thing you wanted to do when you woke up the next morning was see Jack, but you didn't have much of a choice. Claire and Neelam wanted you to arrive together, so currently you, Urban, and Claire were in the van, waiting for Neelam and Jack. You saw the look of confusion on Claire's face when you walked out of the elevator with Urban and not Jack, but she chose not to question it.

A couple minutes after you got into the van, you heard the doors slide open, and Jack greet everyone in the van, you looked up for a second before looking back at your phone. Jack and Neelam took their seats in the van.

Claire looked at Urban to get his attention before looking at you, then at Jack, and back at Urban.

"Are they okay?" Claire mouthed. Last she heard at the fitting the day before you and Jack were doing well, you hadn't told her about the phone call you overheard, and you hadn't talked to her after you found Jack in bed with another girl.

Urban shrugged, sure he knew you two weren't okay, but he also didn't think it was his place to say anything. Before Claire could try to get any more information from Urban, he was distracted by you showing him something on your phone.

Luckily the drive wasn't long, 20 minutes even with traffic, but the whole time neither you or Jack said a word to each other. As soon as the van parked, you tried to get out before Claire stopped you.

"Look, I don't know what's going on between you two." Claire said, looking between you and Jack. "But whatever it is, you two can't act like this when we go inside, no one here knows that you two aren't together, so you can't be acting like you hate each other." Claire said and you sighed, glaring at Jack from across the car.

You were angrier at Jack today then you were last night, at least last night you weren't forced to be around him.

"Let's just get this fucking over with." You muttered underneath your breath before you all stepped out of the van, Jack instantly pulling you to the side.

"I know you aren't happy with me right now, and I don't blame you, but as soon as we leave you can go back to ignoring me." Jack said, holding his hand out for you to take.

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm just choosing not to talk to you." You said, taking Jack's hand.

"That's literally the same thing, you can't just call it something different." Jack argued.

"I can call it whatever I want to." You said before your group walked inside. You were all immediately greeted by the producer, being introduced to several other people before you were led into your separate dressing rooms.

Luckily your stylist, makeup artist, and hair stylist was already on set and had everything ready so it didn't take much time for you to get ready, and soon you and Jack were sitting in front of the cameras about to start filming, a production assistant set the cards on the table in-between you, asking you two if either of you needed anything, once you both said no, they walked out of view of the cameras.

"Okay, who's doing the introduction?" The director asked and you and Jack looked at each other.

"Do you want to do it?" Jack asked you quietly, and you shook your head.

"You can, you have more experience with interviews, and I'd rather not spend all day just on the intro." You joked, and Jack laughed softly as he nodded. As a model you had done some interviews in the past, but Jack had done many more.

"I will." Jack told the director and they nodded.

"Okay, just say your names, and explain what you're doing. Quiet on set." The director called out, the conversations that were happening around you ending and all the attention being put onto you and Jack. "Whenever you two are ready." The director said and Jack nodded, looking over at you to make sure you were ready before looking back to the camera.

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