Chapter 24

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Gia's POV

The second I climbed into my car I wanted to go back inside. I wanted to hold Courtney and never let her go. My whole world felt like it was crumbling in front of me and all I could do was watch. The last time I felt this out of control was when Gio caught me kissing Courtney the first time.

I started my car and sped out of the driveway before I could change my mind about everything. Instead, I drove mindlessly to my house and parked on the street. When I looked out the window at the two identicle homes I felt like throwing up. The only place I have felt safe in the last few months seemed almost foreign now.

Knowing I won't see Courtney sitting on my couch laughing at something I said or sleeping peacefully in my bed made the reality of what I agreed to this morning that much more agonizing.

I don't know how but I know that Courtney is the one. I never believed in marriage but I know deep down I would've asked her to marry me eventually. She will always be my Tesoro.

When I plucked up enough courage to get out of my car I walked inside my house slamming the door behind me. I threw my glasses at the wall making them instantly shatter and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water and leaned on the counter waiting for it to heat up. I looked up at my reflection and almost didn't recognize myself.

It wasn't the huge gash on my cheek or the blood running down my neck that made me look different. It was my eyes. Instead of the hazel, happy color they usually were, they were grey, dull and seemingly lifeless. Everything about my face right now was hardened and dark.

This is what he wanted. A real, evil, mob boss. Just like him.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, then leaned down and cupped water in my hands, throwing it in my face. The water steamed at is touched my skin. I felt nothing.

This is how it was going to be now. I've lost Joey, I've lost my free will, and now the woman I love. Of course I feel nothing.

I wiped my face off on a towel and walked out of the bathroom and upstairs to my bedroom where the bed had been lazily made. I threw myself down onto it letting my battered face hit the pillow.

Courtney's lavender scent hit me like a ton of bricks and it absolutely crippled me. The tears rolled from my eyes as I laid in silence with my face on the pillow she had been on just hours ago, breathing her in as I soaked the fabric.

Fuck Enzo. Fuck his daughter. Fuck my father. Most of all Fuck me for falling for someone when I knew I wasn't allowed to be happy.

My phone started ringing in my pocket as I cried. I flipped around on my back and pulled it out checking the caller ID.

Lucia was calling. I have to talk to her at some point. She is my second in command.
I choked back my tears and sat up letting my feet hang off the bed.

"Yes." I answered, keeping my tone surprisingly steady.

"Gia? What's going on?" Lucia asked through the phone.

"Courtney hasn't told you?" I questioned. It's been about an hour since I left the house. I figured they would've talked by now.

"She hasn't spoken a word since you left! I got her to stop crying five minutes ago and now she's just on the couch staring at a wall!" She said angrily. My heart ached for the hundredth time today.

"Fuck. Please take care of her Donnina." I said, my voice cracking a little. I stood up out of the bed, trying to distract myself from the pain I was feeling and started pacing.

"I'm trying, but I need to know what's going on." She said in much gentler tone.

"I, I, I'm getting married." I stuttered. She took a moment to respond.

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