Top 10 Startup Accelerators and Incubators in India

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Building a startup from the ground up used to be a difficult task not too long ago. Despite the fact that the complexity and competition have progressively risen over time, several organisations and programmes have developed accelerator and/or incubator programmes that may help you nurture and build your business quickly, offering you a distinct competitive advantage.

Check out some of the top accelerators in India, which are listed in the list below. Let's move on to the top 10 Startup accelerators and incubators in India now that you have a good understanding of what they are.

Jabalpur Incubation Centre: — Jabalpur Incubation Centre is innovatively designed and operated by the Jabalpur Smart City Limited (JSCL), Madhya Pradesh State Government Company. They help every entrepreneur connect with the people, places, and events around them. platform is built on an infrastructure of the best community, network and efficient access to capital to support as you build your company.

Spark Incubation Centre: — SPARK Incubation Centre is top startup accelerator in India which is a sector agnostic business incubation centre of Sagar. This incubation centre aspires to create a culture of excellence & nurture the young entrepreneurs by providing them with mentorship, technology support, funding facilitation, marketing guidance & other required assistance they need to establish their entrepreneurial dream.

Satna Incubation Centre: — Satna Incubation centre is sector agnostic and welcomes start-ups from diverse fields which support founders and helps them to turn their ideas into successful businesses. The support comes in a form of mentorship, office space, and some seed money. Thus, Satna is progressively working towards fostering entrepreneurship and playing a vital role in creating sustainable start-ups, generating more employment, and wealth creation.

Incubation Masters: — Incubation Masters offer a syndicate platform for startups all across the globe to succeed in their entrepreneurship journey by helping them create business models, create network, mentorship and raise funds through a global network of investors. The virtual incubates can operate anywhere in the world and can access their scaled incubator program that incubates and that are in idea stages and growth stages.

Jhansi Incubation Centre: — RISE Jhansi Incubation Center is a business incubation centre of Jhansi Smart City Limited. By offering mentorship, support for innovation, financial facilitation, technological support, marketing guidance, and other necessary support, this incubation centre aims to create a culture of excellence and sustain the young business people.

500 startups: — 500 startups are one of the biggest names in the startup accelerator field. They are primarily a global venture capital firm that began accelerating startups way back in 2010. Their Indian Headquarters are situated in Bangalore, and truly embody their motto — there's more to venture than capital. They carefully curate the program based on the requirements of each individual founder, and have branded the program as an "MBA on steroids".

TLabs: — TLabs is a startup accelerator that was founded in 2011 in Bangalore. The mentor team (100+) that will be working with you, should you choose TLabs, includes well-renowned, experienced entrepreneurs that will help your business grow rapidly in the 16-week program. Apart from the mentors, TLabs provides weekly catch-ups across the different verticals of the business from an in-house team.

Cisco Launchpad: — CISCO launchpad is a corporate accelerator program that specialises in helping deep-tech startups that work in disruptive technologies. The focus is primarily on networking and infrastructure, Security, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Image processing, Linkages/video analytics, and Healthcare-specific technology to name a few.

DevX: — One of India's leading accelerators, DevX Accel focuses on startups that solve problems using a combination of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things. The problems that are solved can be in multiple domains including healthcare, Fintech, manufacturing 4.0. Cloud computing, E-com enablers, Mobility, Real-Tech and SaaS to name a few.

Each startup is different and requires a different type of program to succeed in the venture. The 10 programs mentioned in this list are highly competitive and accept very few businesses per batch. To know more about accelerator programs, and everything related to startups, head on over to our blog.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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