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Holding the door of the car open for me, I glanced at Taehyung's visage who was looking at me with his almond orbs shimmering in the murky night sky under the lights of the portico of the hotel you both were presently staying in.

"Hop in." I heard her mumble in his hearable and soft tone. The inner urge to ask him where he was taking me had been on the edge since he had asked me to get ready but I have been acting ignorant towards it.

This is the first time someone is taking me out like this and I don't want to ruin the surprise Taehyung has planned for me. But I guess where is he taking me? I could feel the butterflies traveling in each corner of my stomach due to anticipation.

I nodded before stepping near the door and sitting on the passenger's seat as I noticed him placing his hand over the door frame so my head wouldn't collide with it. These gestures are making my heart flutter and I don't know why but I just want to be with him, Not for a week or sometime but for years or maybe my whole life-

What are you thinking, Y/n? This is not right! He loves Ari and will do so for a lifetime. I am not anyone to him, he has already told me then why do I always get stuck at this stage? Get a hold on yourself, you will get hurt at last.

I came out of my stupor when I heard the door of my side getting shut as I gazed at him making his way towards the driver's side while unbuttoning the button of his suit jacket with his left hand.

Settling on the driver's seat, he started the car as the engine made a lurched sound before asking me, "Put on the seat belt." "Yeah..." I answered, totally forgot to put it on as I was engrossed staring at him all this while.

Sensing his orbs settling over my frame as I put on the seat belt across my body while he did the same as I watched him with my lower gaze. Steering the car out of the hotel, he drove off to the destination.

My enthusiasm was building up as he was driving through the roads which were not so wedgy.

Taehyung put on the brakes as the red light struck when I heard his deep voice in the silence, "Did you take your meds today?" I twitched my head to look at him prior to nodding, "Yes. Did you eat well?" He nodded, tracing his palm over the steering wheel.

"Did you talk to Jungkook oppa about the dine?" I asked, looking at his visage, "Yes. I told him that I have to take you somewhere so we won't be able to join him." I parted my lips, "What did he say?" Taehyung leaned back on his seat saying, "Nothing much." You nodded making an 'o' shaped face as Taehyung pressed on the accelerator over the green light.

Aish! You asked too many questions, Y/n. I facepalmed myself before closing my eyes after turning to the window side and looked out. I will irk him like this. Y/n, try to speak less.

I gulped down a lump in my throat as this serenity was making me uncomfortable without any reason but was making me feel abashed for the ground.

I looked at the radio transmission, I stretched my left hand to put that on when I felt Taehyung doing the same as our hands skimmed with each other.

My heart fluttered at the sudden trace of his skin over mine as I looked at him, instantly retreating my hand from him.

"Oh! Sorry-" I muttered when he interrupted, "I will turn it on." I licked my lower lip before clamping over it with my teeth when he asked, "Why do you apologize so much?" It took me a few seconds to understand his question prior to looking at him.

His orbs were already tracing the way to my eyes while my lips were parted as his lips were mildly curved, thinking what to answer and how to do it. Being befuddled I stammered, "Actually I... I-" He declared, "Hey... It's okay. There is no need to say sorry again and again. We are friends, right? No sorry and no thank you between us."

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