Chapter One

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Okay, so...this story is something that I've dreamed of before, and have imagined a bit. Sorry if it kind of gets...revealing, but i'm a honest person and like to say what's on my mind. :) Enjoy ;) oxoxo Sam

Chapter One-

As I stepped off the street in a hurry (through pouring rain, might i add) water sprayed me from passing cars. Squinting through the night, I shivered from the cold wind as it tore at my hoodie. Horns honked and water pattered, but I still stomped on. My clothes were utterly soggy and heavy, dragging me down towards the cement slowly.

And all I thought was, Dad's gonna kill me.

Not only was he going to kill me. First, he'd kill Darcy, my best friend. Then he'd kill me. I had stayed out all night, not even looking at the time until it was too late. I broke my cell phone a week ago, so I couldn't call him or anything. I cursed under my breath, causing mist to spread out in front of my face. Jeez, it really was cold. I rubbed my arms, trying to get feeling into them, but to no avail. Stupid rain.

I made it to the other side of the street, just before a car hit me square and there. It honked angrily, but I ignored it. Being hit by a car would be ten times better than facing my dad. Trust me. The sidewalk was full of pedestrians who were trying to get under shelter:under porches, under bus stops, under...anything. Well, not me, sadly. I thought of a nice warm bed, hot chocolate and a nice fire going. Sigh.

But then...something went wrong.

Well, not near me, but somewhere...close. I could almost feel it, sense it somehow...I can't explain it. LIke a tingling help? Yes...I think that's what it was. A few seconds later, I heard a loud CRACK! and the sound of screaming people. Everyone started running, mixing and blending into each other. I looked at the night sky, where heavy clouds covered the moon and stars, where the rain came from. Thunder was clapping, out of nowhere. A minute ago, it hadn't been there, but now huge bolts of electricity were blinking overhead. Street lamps began to flicker, but soon came back on steadily.

Then I saw it. I saw what was wrong.

A woman, tall and slim like a super model, was walking down the side walk on the oppisite side of the road that i had come from. Even in this dim lighting, her hair wet, i could see that her hair was as red as fire. It was long and thick, going well with her pale skin. She looked distracted, thoughtful, as if she didn't even realize that she were on earth. I looked up to where I could see...a A broken pipe swinging towards here, the end sharp and charred where lightning had struck it, causing the loud cracking sound.

And I could see that it would come down on her, maybe stabbing her. It was attached to the side of the building she was walking next to, the attachments that held it down broken and gone. My heart stopped. I could see the outcome, what it might do.

"Miss!" I yelled, waving my arms around. She didn't seem to hear. I couldn't blame her. The rain pounding down on everything, screaming people, cars tires screeching, honking, thunder...stereos blaring, more thounder... "Miss! Miss!" I scowled. There was no way she would hear me and get out of the way in time.

I ran out into the street, going to the sidewalk that I had just come from. She was still in her own thoughts, the shattered tip of the pipe just five feet away from her back now. It looked like a knife, shining from the rain and glinting from the street lights. It's blackened tip was horrifying. Well, if you knew what it was about to do, anyway.

I made it to the sidewalk, more honking than ever screaming out. The rain seemed to get hearvier, more intense. It felt as if time were slowing and like i was trying to run through a swimming pool. The woman was three feet

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