*Jealous part 3*

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(HEY Y'ALL YOUR FAVORITE BITCH IS HERE, Currently in Hawaii currently half asleep writing this 😃)

Top: Jeongin
Bottom: Seungmin

(Ik y'all don't like bottom Seungmin but I honestly like it cause I just don't see him as a top, also sorry to disappoint y'all but it's just a fluffy chapter today cause I'm really tired and can't properly write a smut chapter)


Nobody's POV

"Ah Innie we look so cute!" Seungmin says as he picks up the pictures out of the dispenser

"You look more cuter" Jeongin grinned making seungmin blush and turn away "Innie.." Seungmin mumbles flustered

"Come play this with me" Jeongin pouts with puppy eyes making seungmin sigh and nods getting dragged to two racing cars,
"I bet I can beat you in Mario kart!" Seungmin says to the youngers face swiping his game card on both machines "Nah I'll win" Jeongin points to himself

(If y'all are wondering what happened to Dahyun she's just chilling in the bathroom doin her business yk)





Both boys start cutting eachother off, cutting corners spamming the horn button and Basically shouting (more like groaning tho like 'AGH' 'CMON' 'MMMGH'
those are random competitive noises mkay)

"GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY WAY YOSHI" Jeongin yelled at his screen "NEVER!" Seungmin shouted back (okay so their characters are, Jeongin-Peach, Seungmin-Yoshi 'Funfact yoshi is my nickname given by my friend who I call king boo cuz we luv Mario kart') "I'M ALMOST THERE C'MON MOVE BOWSER YOU STUPID BITCH" Seungmin was turning his wheel side to side almost breaking it cause of how rough he was (AYO? Jk jk) "AH SHIT JEONGIN WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" Jeongin had used a turtle shell he got and threw it at seungmins kart to pass him "HAHA I WIN" Jeongin yells basically getting stares from some people "YOU FUCKING CHEATER WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?" Seungmin yells at Jeongin raging because he came 5th (💀) "Sorry pup I took my chances, And I won fair and square" Jeongin said Wrapping his arm around Seungmins waist "No more kisses when we get home now" Seungmin grumbles making Jeongin gasp "NOO IM SORRY, HERE YOU CAN TAKE MY TICKETS THEN, JUST DON'T TAKE AWAY MY KISSES" Jeongin gets on his knees and begs the older "Hmm, I don't think so" Seungmin joked making Jeongin fake scoffs and gets up off the floor,

He stops for a second and quickly pecks seungmins lips before running away from seungmin as he begins chasing him "YAH COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE PUSSY" Seungmin says chasing after the boy who is running for his dear life,

Suddenly. *SLAM* Jeongin trips over and falls on Dahyun who just came back inside "Oh my gosh, noona I'm so sorry are you okay!?" Jeongin gets up and bends his arm out for the woman to grab, Dahyun begins blushing and smiling while taking his hand and standing up "Th-Thank you" She awkwardly stands there wiggling a tiny bit side to side. Seungmin is just standing there looking at her like 'What is this bitch wiggling about'

"Eh-hem, Innie let's go get stuff with our tickets now" Seungmin clears his throat and drags Jeongin with him making Dahyun groan in annoyance, "Pup tell me why do you keep acting like that?" Jeongin asks the boy crossing his arms with a frown

"She keeps blushing at you and I don't like it" He mumbles "I'm sorry pup, I didn't realize, I promise I don't love her like the way I love you." Jeongin frowns Pulling the shorter into a hug "I would never replace you anyways" Jeongin kisses seungmins forehead. He tries stepping forward but he cannot move since Seungmin is clinging onto him like a baby koala

"Pup, your gonna have to move cause we need to go claim our prizes now" Jeongin tries pulling seungmin off him only for him to cling even harder and whine, Jeongin sighs and has to waddle to the prize shop

"You can get whatever you like cause we have over 6 thousand tickets, Go pick out your prizes. Okay?" Jeongin kisses the smallers forehead as he lets his grip go

Seungmin looks at all the stuff on one side then walks over to the candy and Sanrio section and sees some stuff he would love to get (MY FAVORITE SANRIO CHARACTER IS GUEDETAMA 💕) After he grabs a whole bunch of Pochaco and candy bars along with some lollipops he taps Jeongin on the shoulder with a bright smile on his face

"I got the stuff I want" Seungmin shows the taller male, "That's alot of stuff" Jeongin chuckles "Would you like some help carrying those pup?" He asks the struggling boy who nods Passing the candy to him

"Hello!, Is that all for today?" The nice cashier lady asks seungmin "Can I get that Camera please?" Seungmin asks pointing to the Polaroid (I spelt it wrong before 💀) Camera above her head "Yeah ofcourse!" She gets on the step ladder and grabs the box, As careful as she can she slowly gets off the ladder gently putting it on the table scanning it.

"Would you like a bag for all of these?" She asks him, "Yes please!" He exchanges a smile at the lady who puts all of his stuff in a big plastic bag, "Here you go!, Have an nice day sweetie" she says as she passes the bag to him "Thank you ma'am" Jeongin slightly bows at the lady while walking out of the the arcade

Suddenly they hear shouting and running, they turn around to see it's non other than  Dahyun, "H-Hey, Uhm so should we go to the park over there" She asks Jeongin who's just standing there looking like 'Huh' and then ofcourse seungmin glares at her cause shes tryna steal his manz (💀)

"Sure I guess?" He says making the girl excited, she turns around and pokes her tongue out at Seungmin while he points the finger at her

*They reach the park*

"Hey look, it's an ice cream truck. Do you want some Jeonginnie?" She asked making both boys cringe at the nickname "I'll get the matcha one in a cup please" he tells the girl still cringing at his nickname before "I'll get the matcha one too-" Seungmin stops when he realizes She's already gone

"Okay but like did you hear the way she was saying your name" Seungmin asked Jeongin while laughing at little "I wanted to cry" He tells the older making him laugh even harder

"Jeonginnie I have our ice cream!" She tells Jeongin using that stupid ass nickname again "Oh thanks, hey uhm seungmin also got the same as me wheres his?" Jeongin asks while she hands the ice cream to him

"Hm?, Oh I didn't realize I'm sorry, I'm so forgetful and I ran out of money too" she dramatically lies "It's fine, I can share with you babe" Jeongin says getting a spoonful and starts feeding him and seungmin

Dahyun she uh had a cone and yk she got jealous yada yada and so on , then she crushed her cone (Mind blown 🤯)

After the couple had finished eating
they had started cleaning eachothers faces and being all lovey dovey (I wish I had what they had with my gf, EXCEPT FOR THE PART THEY ARE ALWAYS HORNY HALF THE TIME)

Seungmin lays his head on Jeongins shoulder admiring the place with dogs playing around and little kids having fun until. A raindrop falls on his face (🤯)

"Hm, looks like it's raining pup. I think we had enough fun today should we go back to your place?" Jeongin asked his boyfriend

Y'all it is hot ASF in Hawaii and there's police sirens almost every minute 😀 but I got a few albums 🤭 (I couldn't find the photo sadly)

Anyways this isn't proof read cause IT'S HALF PAST 11 AT NIGHT

(I tried putting a photo of me here but ig Wattpad thinks I'm ugly 😔 jk)

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