Just after two o'clock the next day, the detectives division at the Police station, was a buzz of
activity. Roma had received the results of the DNA tests on the semen found at the scene of the
murder. Four distinct results. They had put a priority rush on the DNA tests for the bloody bandages
but there was a lot of samples to go through. Probably wouldn't get that until tomorrow, or even the
next day. Meanwhile, Mark was finally able to ID the victim through her fingerprints via N.C.I.C.
(National Crime Information Center.) She was a runaway from Boise, Idaho, Caysie Hart, 16 years
old. Her Mom was traveling there now, to make a positive ID, and claim the body. She would arrive
later in the afternoon.
Mark's phone rang, he answered it."There is a Shandyn Hart here to see you Detective Roberts."
Said the voice on the other end of the line.
"Wow, she's early by about two hours." He looked at his watch.
"Who's early?" Roma asked.
"Shandyn Hart, the victim's , I mean, Caysie's Mother" He liked to use the name of a victim
after identification, just to make it more personal, and respectful. Roma was reading the rap sheets she
had just printed out on some of the members of the Kings of Chaos. She looked up, "What did you say Casyie's mothers name was?"
He was grabbing his jacket, "Shandyn Hart, why?"
"Well, I'm looking at Danny Bardo's criminal history, and it says he was arrested for felony
domestic battery against his wife, 'Shandyn' Bardo, in 1991." She held up the paper.
"Could be a coincidence." Then he closed his eyes, and shook his head. "I guess we'll find out,
you coming?"
The experience at the morgue was always a deeply troubling experience for the detectives. To
witness a parent going through this, was one of those things that you simply never got used to. They
stood next to Caysie's mother, pale and scared. Trembling, as she crept hesitantly forward Then the
soul wrenching sob as she looked into the face of the battered and bruised body on the slab, that was
once her daughter Caysie. She turned to the detectives, and holding her hands out she sobbed, "My
God, she was only sixteen years old...who could do this?" Roma could find no words. A tear rolled
down her cheek. Shandyn turned and fell into the arms of her sister, who had accompanied her on this
horrible quest. The coroner pulled the sheet back over the body, stone faced and mute as a statue.
After they had arrived back at the station, Shandyn, and her sister Carol were drinking a cup of
coffee, and attempting to gather their wits.
Detective Roberts spoke softly. "Ms. Hart, I can't tell you how sorry we are for your loss. Do
you feel up to a couple of questions?"
"Yes, I think so." She spoke almost at a whisper. Her sister Carol sat close, holding her hand.
Mark leaned forward, "How long has Caysie been missing?"
"Six months, two weeks, and four days." She said as tears ran down her face. "We looked
everywhere, I was frantic. She had always been a little reckless, and defiant. She even ran away a few
times, but only for a couple of days at the most. We were trying to work things out. Then about eight
months ago she became withdrawn and disconnected. I couldn't reach her anymore. After she ran
away, her friend Nikki said she thought Caysie had met some guy on the internet. I didn't know her
passwords, so I..." She sobbed softly.
Her sister Carol looked up. "Is there anything else? I'd like to get her lying down as soon as possible."
Roma thought carefully about how to ask this question, "Ma'am, does the name 'Bardo' mean
anything to you?"
Both Carol, and Shandyn looked up like they had been slapped in the face. Finally Shandyn
spoke. "Yes, that was my married name. For two years, I was married to a monster named Danny
Bardo. I haven't seen or heard from him for fourteen years, I was hoping he was in Hell where he
belongs." The hatred in her eyes told a story of deprivation and abuse. "Why would you want to
know..." Then with a look of realization and terror she exclaimed, "Oh no! NO!" Her face twisted in
horror. She looked at the Detectives, then at Carol. "He had Caysie? How did that happen?, I never
told her about her father!"
In the parking lot behind the Snake Pit, Danny's crew finished loading the van that would
accompany the bikers to San Diego. Jose' "Chico" Ramerez, was talking with Danny away from the
others. "So, what's up Chico?" Danny asked.
"There may be trouble Boss, rumor has it that some dude witnessed a rape and murder five days
ago on Madison Street. Saw the whole thing through the window."
Danny was stunned, "What! who?" Then he rubbed his chin, and snorted, "Probably some
heroin addict. Ran away as soon as he saw something was going down."
"No man, more like some big guy. Stood there long enough to make clear footprints on the
"How do you know it was some big guy?"
"Size twelve and a half triple E boots Boss, vibram soles. My cousin works in maintenance at the city police department. He's friends with the guy that cast the footprints, man."
That concerned Danny some. Chico had sources on the street that were rarely wrong. If he said
someone saw them, someone probably did. "Well," he thought, "I'll take care of that later. This
delivery is top priority right now."
Robert walked over. "We're loaded, and ready to roll."
Danny addressed the group, "Mac, you Nick, Duane, and Marty out front. The rest fall in
behind. Weylin you ride in the middle of the back group. Let's Roll!"
The club was headed to San Diego, to deliver some automatic rifles, and assorted hand guns to a
group that would smuggle them into Mexico. In exchange, they would be paid in top grade cocaine,
and heroin. As an added bonus, they would receive Hitler's actual recipe for crystal meth, so the club
could start cooking their own product. It would be a high dollar item for them, and cut out the middle
Some of the bikers would lead, and run interference with any law enforcement, sometimes even
using themselves as decoys, by getting themselves pulled over. Cops have a way of getting tunnel
vision when doing a traffic stop on a biker. While he is thus distracted, the others roll on by. The van
strictly obeyed all traffic laws, and stayed in the center lane and was driven by Queeny. The bikers in
the rear stayed far enough back so that it wasn't obvious they were with the van, but close enough to
keep it in sight. As always, they flew their colors.
Danny had kept a close eye on Weylin throughout the trip, but even during the transaction he
had seemed aloof, and almost uninterested. Danny was almost positive this guy wasn't a cop, he prided
himself on being able to spot law enforcement types, but he could be wrong. The guy was truly
puzzling that's for sure. One thing was certain, Weylin made him uneasy, and that was something
Danny simply could not live with.
The meeting, and transfer of guns and drugs went without a hitch. Later that night, the Kings of
Chaos met up with some of their Hell's Angel friends at Eddie 'E Dawg' Tanner's house, for food and
beer, lots and lots of beer, hard liquor, and any drug you wanted. It was a perfect location, about five miles out of town, on the edge of the dessert, pretty secluded. Actually quite a nice little ranch style
About ten o' clock, most of the bikers were pretty well lit up. They were laughing, and having a
good time. There were plenty of females there, some were the 'old ladies' of the local boys, but many
were there just for the party, and free drugs. They knew what was expected of them in return, and that
was fine with them. Danny noticed that Weylin had attracted the attention of two or three girls, and
was enjoying himself immensely.
Someone else was also watching him, Darrel 'Big D' Hendrik, a huge hulk of a man about six
foot six, and two hundred and seventy pounds. Only had two hobbies, drinking beer, and kicking ass.
He was drunk, and surly and he didn't like Weylin getting so much attention from the girls. Finally, he
got up, and walked over to Weylin.
"I heard you're quite the ass kicker." He sneered at Weylin, "That brother who's wrist you broke
is a cousin of mine." With the loud music, and raucous conversations going on, it took a minute for
everyone to shift their attention to the inevitable beating that Big D was going to dish out on the new
guy. But soon all eyes were on the two. They had heard what happened at the Snake Pit, although
most thought it had been exaggerated. Weylin looked up from the girl he had been making out with,
his eyes narrowed. He slowly stood up, and was looking the big guy in the eyes.
"Well, I think he got off easy." Weylin said quietly. Weylin focused his inner beast on the big man.
Instantly Big D's demeanor changed. His subconscious saw weylin for what he was, and the vision was
terrifying. It would be like waking up from a sleep, and seeing a hungry lion staring at you. His mouth
went dry, and his body flooded with adrenaline causing him to feel panic. He backed away a couple of
steps, then without another word, he turned and went out the front door, started his bike and left.
Everything came to a stand still. Weylin calmly sat down in his chair, and settled the girl on his lap.
The entire group was so stunned, they were frozen for several seconds, then suddenly they burst out
laughing. The whole group just started falling down laughing. It was the damnedest thing they had ever seen. Finally someone was able to catch their breath long enough to exclaim, "I guess Big D must
have been late for an appointment!" That set the whole group laughing again. Danny and the other
Kings of Chaos members halfheartedly joined in the laughter. All except Nick. He had been in the
middle of the fray at the bar the other night. He had seen and felt Weylin in his fury. To tell the truth,
when he saw Big D run like that, Nick nearly wet himself.
"There ain't nothin funny about this guy, whatever he is, funny is definitely not it." Nick said to
himself. The party swung into full force, drugs, sex, and rock and roll. It lasted most all of the night.
Weylin had let himself fully enjoy the decadence. He enjoyed three different women, and drank
copious amounts of beer, and liquor. He also partook of any drug that went floating by. He didn't
know what the effect would be, but he knew it couldn't kill him, so he thought what the hell. He hadn't
had this much fun in decades.
The night was winding down, and it was about an hour before dawn. Everyone was drunk and
stoned, most had crashed long ago. There were a few stragglers that were stumbling around, looking
for munchies. People were sleeping where ever they fell.
Danny had just walked into the room, when he saw Weylin still up, he walked over and sat on a chair
facing him. Weylin had his feet up on the coffee table, he was as drunk and stoned as everyone else.
"Well, what did you think of our party?" Danny said.
"Everything I'd hoped for." Weylin replied. Danny was looking at Weylin. He didn't seem so
dangerous when he was sprawled out like this. Suddenly, he looked at Weylin's feet on the coffee table.
He felt his face turn red with anger.
"Nice boots brother," he said, "What size are they?"
Weylin looked up, "What?"
"Your boots, what size are they?"
"Twelve and a half triple E," Weylin replied, slurring the words. "Why?"
"No reason... I like the vibram soles." He said, as he got up and walked out of the room.
It was noon before anyone started coming to life around there. Some of the guys were
stumbling around headed for the toilet. Danny was rousting his group. He wanted to get their stash
and head home. Weylin was still laying were he was the night before, dead to the world. Danny shot
him an evil look, and let him be.
They were loaded, and ready to go, when Danny shook Weylin to life. "Hey," he nudged
Weylin with his foot. Bang! Weylin was up and on his feet so fast that Danny's heart nearly stopped.
"Whoa, there Big guy, it's just me, Danny." Weylin stared at him for a second, then relaxed, and
walked by to the bathroom. Danny spoke as he went by, "Hey, Marcus has something he wants to
show us before we go." He heard the toilet flush, and Weylin walked out.
"What does he want to show us." he shook his head trying to clear the fog.
"Dunno, he wouldn't tell me, let's go see." He walked out the back door. Weylin followed,
scowling at his headache.
As Weylin set his foot on the back yard, he saw a flash of light...He didn't even hear the
"Good shootin there Tex!" Danny stepped over to the lifeless body lying on the ground.
"Well, you said he was a tuff sumbitch, I guess he ain't tuffer than a .45." Marcus was grinning
like he just won a blue ribbon at the fair. "Man, he went down like he'd been poleaxed." he looked at
Danny, "So, what did he do, poke your old lady?"
"No, I don't know how, but I think he was watching through a window, when we killed that little
"There was this bitch that showed up a couple of months ago. Claimed she was my daughter,
and wanted to get to know her Dad." He snorted. "So, I got her on a heroin diet, and was going to put her to work, when the nosy little whore found our stash of guns. Said she was going to the cops, and
ran off. Took me two days to find her. So we eliminated the problem."
"Damn... was she your daughter?" Marcus asked. Danny shrugged his shoulders,
"I dunno... Yeah. So what?" He glared at Marcus.
Marcus looked at Danny, and put his hands up.
"Nothin. But how did you know this guy was watching?"
"I don't know for sure, but there was a coincidence, and I don't believe in coincidences. Let's
just say I don't like loose ends, any more than you do. So, what now."
Marcus looked at the dead man in front of him, blood oozing from the hole in his head. "Look,
leave the rest to me. I'll ditch him out back there, till he stiffens up, then when his blood cools, I'll cut
him up, and scatter him from hell to breakfast."
Danny chuckled, "Dude, you are one sick bastard."
Marcus looked up, "Well, look who's talkin. What do want to do with his ride?"
Danny shrugged, "It's yours, keep it, it aught to be worth a dime or two."
During this entire event, not one person had looked out the window to see what was going on.
They knew if they heard a gun shot behind the house, it was none of their business, period.
About an hour after the Kings of Chaos had left, Marcus went over to where Weylin's bike was
parked. "Nice ride, I might just keep this one for myself." He went to start it, but found the key was
gone. "Must be in that dead guys pocket." It hadn't gotten too hot, so Marcus figured the body would
cool pretty good in three or four hours. He had stashed the corpse in a small ditch behind a little shed
out back, and covered it with a tarp. It was shady and secluded. He'd get the keys when he went to
finish his dirty deed.

Werewolf Biker
HorrorAn F.B.I. agent tracks an ancient werewolf to a southern California to an outlaw biker club. Will things go bad? NOT A ROMANCE! SORRY