death is for the weak, actually.

6 0 0

Something was wrong. Very wrong, and he couldn't place it. He was in pitch blackness, unsure of where he was, and the ex junkie never liked that.

"Hello? Is there anyone there?" He felt out the area around him, searching for a way out of the dark. It wasn't a very large space, and that made it even worse for him. The dark felt like it was pressing in on him, like he couldn't breathe. Eventually, klaus hit the top of wherever he was, and it lifted slightly. he didn't need to be shown the exit twice. He frantically shoved the lid of whatever he was in open and scrambled out onto....

Their living room floor????

This wasn't technically the most out of context moment of his life, but it was getting up there. The man in question, however, didn't even attempt to find the context. He just got up and ran. Any chance to get away from whatever he was stuck in, he didn't even look back to see what it was. He walked right out into the court yard still shaken, only to find his siblings scattered and talking in all black. Maybe for him and Diego, that was fine, but Allison? She would never be caught without color. She wore color to their dad's funeral! Actually, looking at the scene in front of him....

Oh god, he interrupted someone's funeral!

"Dee, what's going on? Who's funeral is this?" He grabbed his very upset (and sharp) looking brothers shoulder.
"Klauses..." Diego looked out of his mind with grief, klaus felt awful for him, and felt even weirder about the coincidence. The math wasn't adding up, but his head hurt from his rude awakening, and he felt out of it from the night before, plus he was never really a numbers guy. He just rolled with it.
"That's awful.... was he a good guy?" Klaus patted his brothers back and tried to soothe him. He hated seeing any of his siblings upset.
"He really was, I feel like I never did enough for him. I always tried to help him, but -"
"Oh, enough of that, I'm sure he appreciated any attempt you gave! You're a good guy, DeeDee, and as much as you pretend otherwise, you care about your people. He knows how much he was loved, I guarantee it."
"Thanks, man..." His brother let out a pitiful sniff he would probably pass off as super tough and manly later, but right now, he looked like he was drowning in his grief.
"You gonna be ok? Should I stay here?" He wanted to help him, he really did, Diego had done a lot for him, and also apparently this other klaus. Maybe the same name thing made him empathize with the guy? Diego generally didn't seem like the 'cry at a friends' funeral guy, at least not a friend he hadn't introduced to the family. Klaus was fairly certain he'd remember if Diego brought a different guy named klaus home to say hi.
"No, you should probably talk to the others if you were invited."

OK, strange, not only had Diego not looked at him once, but now he was insinuating that klaus had to be invited to his own home? Then again, he was pretty banned for a bit, so maybe it was a correct assumption. They probably would kick him out again before he could properly free-load, he was just hoping they would give him more time to get an apartment ready, or find a person he could crawl in bed with for a while. He shrugged off the sting and patted diegos arm one last time before walking to Luther, who looked just as bad.

"Hey bud, how you doing?" Unlike Diego, his bigger, slightly dumber brother had tears running down his face.
"Not good, if I'm h-honest." He sniffled as well, klaus patted around his various pockets until he found the monogrammed handkerchief he stole from their dad years ago. He handed it over with a gentle smile.
"Were you close with him too?" He looked out at the other three, digging a hole next to where bens grave had been. This guy must have been really important to them all. He felt a little sad he had never met him.
"N-not like five or Diego.... but I still.... I s-still loved him." Another wave of tears came with an ugly sob. He always forgot how emotional Luther got sometimes, then again, this person had to be really important for him to act like this.
"Hey, hey, it's ok. Let it out, big guy." He grabbed luthers arm and gently led him to a bench, helping him sit near Diego. It creaked ominously, but Diego didn't react other than looking at the ground harder and sadder.
"Why don't you tell me about him? It might make you feel better?" He posed it as a question, making it clear that Luther had the option to say no.
"W-well, he always knew how to lighten the mood. He just had a joke up his sleeve every time. Any argument that got too heated, he could end with some silly story, you know? Something to make us stop and think,'What did he just say?' And the fights were u-usually left behind. He just h-had this energy to him, something that made you feel cold and spooked at first but then would fill you with warmth and love once you got to know him." Luther slowly stopped the tears and got more confident in his speech. Diegos' face next to him softened slowly while listening.
"Don't forget him annoying us into caring about eachother, he did that a lot." The knife thrower added onto Luther's speech with a slight chuckle. This egged Luther on further, which was great in klauses' opinion.

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