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Batman Beyond 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode# 13 – Splicers

Out at Hamilton Hill High School, students excitedly gather around Chelsea, eager to see her new decoration. She removes her sunglasses and reveals that she now literally has cat eyes. She passes out business cards from the Chimera Institute, a company that can splice human DNA with the DNA of animals. For Gwen to be seeing this to become a big hit lately as a new thing for teenagers...And it looks like she was doing well after the showdown with Blight to learning more about herself and has been controlling her fire carefully, so she's fine.

"(People who are doing something odd to look like they have animal body parts. How strange...)"

Others were seeing this like Terry, Dana, Gwen, and a new girl name Maxine 'Max' Gibson from Chelsea's new look.

"Chelsea, you got sliced." said Dana.

"Splice?" Gwen was lost.

'Your dad's so gonna flip." and Maxie.

Terry's a little skeptical with the controversy amongst the crowd and it's mentioned that the city is trying to shut down the operation.

"And I don't, Chelsea, isn't messing your DNA on animal things can be bad for your body?"

From other teenagers doing it, and still a thing to try shutting down the whole fun.

"Oh, please." she said back. "This is nothing, I'm fine."

Gwen didn't think so to feel something out from all of them not looking so normal.

"I'm not so sure... (It reminds me of others to become a hybrid type of humanoid animal, it's not good.)" Gwen thought about it.

Dana brushes off his concerns and tries encouraging him to keep an open mind.

"It just a thing we kids are into, Terry, I'm sure the cops are keeping it open minded." Dana said to her boyfriend.

With Chelsea giving others a card information if they want to try it out before really doing it, the splice thing was still open.

"Here, Gwen, it's good to more things." she said.

"Ah...Thanks, I guess?"

Later, in the Batcave, he, Gwen, and Bruce are watching a vodcast, in which Dr. Abel Cuvier, the head of the Chimera Institute, tries reassuring everyone that splicing is safe, reversible and beautiful. For teenagers said it was harmless to all of them, so far...

"Splicing is like establishing myself as an individual, you know, just like all my friends!"

And the man behind it all Dr. Abel Cuvier also says this...

"I want to assure everyone that splicing is safe, reversible, and more importantly, utterly beautiful. I was the first test subject, and as you can see, I'm perfectly fine." said Cuvier.

For Gwen to not like doing it at all, Terry had a bad feeling for not doing it either.

"Perfectly creepy is more like it." he said back.

"You're right about one thing, Terry, I don't trust this type of things kids like us are doing from time to time." Gwen said.

Smart girl to not become one of the popular types in school. For Terry to see how smart she was to be blushing from her beauty.

"Good call, Gwen..."

She checks on Terry from his strange behavior.

"Ah, Terry? Are you feeling well?" she asks her friend.

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