The Winning Edge

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Batman Beyond 'Fan Fiction Story'

By Tayla Drago

Episode# 8 – The Winning Edge

Out on the streets of Gotham City, a group of Jokerz crowd around an illegal arms dealer who shows them some of his impressive merchandise.

"Ooh, I could have some laughs with this!" said J-Man while holding an illegal handgun to shoot with it.

However, Batman and Batwoman both show up and breaks up the sale.

"Drop it, clown."

"And on today's sale is a Jokerz gang and friend getting a deal off to the county jail by Batman and me." said Batwoman. "Now then...let's dance!"

Now they were all caught.

"Its the Bat-Freaks!" said one of the Jokerz members.

In an unfortunate accident, one of the Jokerz shoots the delivery van and blows it up. The two had done it once again.

"Ah, man...what do I tell my boss?"

Batwoman gets the other man with her fire skills, leaving Batman to tie him up.

"Tell him that there was a fire starter." he said. Batman has foiled the arms deal but the late nights are getting to him.

For Terry and Gwen return to the Wayne Manor for Bruce sees Terry feeling a bit tired lately.

"Excuse me, Terry, but since when did you get a good night sleep?" Gwen asks him.

"Its hard to tell for being so tired..." he yawns.


"These late nights too much for you?" Bruce asks Terry next.

"The nights aren't tough. It's the mornings." Terry answers. "There's nothing to worry about, Gwen, I'll get use to them somehow."

Hopefully for Terry to be right to not have Gwen or her inner self to worry so much.

"(You'll pass out by the time you stop the biggest bad guy to come by one day, and then what? Don't fall asleep on the job please.)"

The next day, with Gwen working hard in school, Terry sleeps in class again and the teacher gets angry, giving him a note to take home. Dana tries to comfort Terry by asking him to the game that night, though Terry refuses the offer at first, but Dana further persuades him, saying 'you need some excitement in your life'. I guess they're back together again...What's up with their relationship?

"Don't be such a spud." she tells Terry. "You need some excitement in your life. And Gwen, you'll come with us too. We need a buddy hang out. You two are like brother and sister."

She's got the wrong idea for Gwen and Terry to look at each other on what Dana just said.

"Sibling friendship? US?" the two said it together.

During the game, the opposite team easily scores a goal, and the Coach berates his players for under-performing. As the time out ends, one of the players, Mason, rolls up his sleeve and slaps a patch onto his arm, which instantly bulges with muscle. As Gwen sees this, her inner self says that they both felt something off about the special patch.

"(Either this kid quits smoking, or...)" she wonders.

"Something about the patch isn't what it seems to be." Gwen says the rest. "(I don't like what this man's doing. His muscles are twice as big than before.)"

With his newfound strength, Mason checks one of his opponents so hard he pushes him through the wall of the court, almost hitting Terry, Gwen, and Dana in the process. The referee objects, but the Coach commends Mason.

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