The Kupatana Celebration Pt.2

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[Dogo] : - sits -

Rei rei : Sees Dogo sitting down*

Rei rei : "Dogo!" "Son"

[Dogo] : "Mom!" "Mom! Your here!" "Yip yip yip yip!" "I totally fooled the lion guard didn't I mom,

[Rei rei] : "Hello Dogo!" "You sure did!" I have a plan for Kupatana..." "Let's help ourselves and the
pridelanders generosity"

[Dogo] : "But mom, Won't kion and the
lion guard get mad and kick us out for good?"

[Reirei] : " Dogo.. Dogo... Dogo.." "Today is today those silly little pridelanders let us
get away with anything." "Right Goigoi?"

[Goigoi] : "Yep, Because it's Kupatana!" -laughs-

[Reirei] : "We can basically do whatever we

"As long as we do it "

"Jackal Style..~!"

[ Jackal style song ]
[. . . Song plays . . . ]

[ Rei rei ] : "Our Kind is born a bit smarter!" 🎶

"From other creatures you mind know!🎶"

"And Though we seem quite pleasant!"

"Our niceness is just a show..!"

"We learned how to beat the system"
"Everyone else does our work for us!"

"But before we can take advantage, First"
"We have to win their Trustttt!"

"Pertend to be sweet!"
"Speak with a smile!"

[ - Rei rei then puts one of each of her
front paws on dogo's mouth, Making him
Smile - ]

[ Rei ] : "Then you can take things! 🎶"

"Jackal Style!" 🎶

"Even if your mad!"

"Play it cool fa' a while!"

"That's how you fool em'!"

"Jackal style!"

"Don't gather food, Or build a home.."

"There's plenty of food for us to take!"

"Working hard might be good for others"

"But we can find it by being fake!"


Pertend to be sweet! 2x

"Speak with a smile! " 2x
[Dogo takes away food from the animals]

Then you can take things,


"even if your mad.." 2x

"Play it cool fa' a while!" 2x

"That'd how you fool emmmmm!"

"Jackal style!"

"Jackal style!"

"Thats how you fool em!"

"And just wait for kupatana..."
"All these animals gathered in peace.."
"We'll strut up in, And eat at our pleasure.."

"It's gonna be one amazing feast!"


"Pertend to be sweet!" "Speak with a smile!"

-[Dogo smiles]-

"Then you can take things!"


"Even if your mad.."

"Play it cool for a while!"

"That's how ya fool em!!" 2x


"Thats how you fool em"


o-.. Dear

[All the animals look at the jackals in anger]

[Reirei]: "Has this been another misunderstanding..?"

(song ends)


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