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Aurora Dawnfield wanted to meet her two mothers,after she dreamt about Allison and Chloe she was determined to know the truth she met Amanda ''mandy" her older sister who revealed her sister;Aurora died on Earth-one

Aurora was taken aback when Amanda called her by her name, considering they had just met for the first time. Aurora wondered how Amanda knew her name without any prior introduction or knowledge about her. Confused and intrigued, Aurora decided to ask Amanda directly.

"Excuse me, Amanda," Aurora began, "but how do you know my name? We've never met before."

Amanda looked at Aurora with a mix of sympathy and hesitation before responding. "The reason I know your name is because... because you died here on this Earth,Earth-one."

Aurora's eyes widened in shock as she tried to process Amanda's words. The concept of a multiverse and the existence of different Earths were completely foreign to her. She had no idea that there could be alternate versions of herself living in different realities but one of them died,the one who lived on this earth;Earth-one.Aurora's mind was racing with questions and emotions. She couldn't believe that there was another version of herself out there, living a different life. The dreams she had been having about Allison and Chloe suddenly made sense – they were memories from another reality.

Determined to uncover the truth and understand her own existence, Aurora looked at Amanda and said, "I want to know everything. Please tell me more about me and what happened to me."

And so, Amanda began to recount the story of Earth-one and how Aurora tragically lost her life. She explained the circumstances surrounding Aurora's death and the impact it had on their family.Amanda began to recount the story of how Aurora tragically lost her life.


"It was a cold winter day,Aurora insisted on going ice skating on the lake even though I warned her of the thin ice."

"Oh come now big sister, don't worry so much!" Aurora exclaimed. "The ice feels plenty thick to me."

Despite Amanda's protests, Aurora glided out onto the frozen lake. Suddenly there was a loud crack and Aurora fell through the ice. "Help!" Aurora cried out, gasping for air as the icy waters pulled her under.

Amanda raced out and tried to pull Aurora out but it was too late. "I'm so cold," Aurora whispered as she lost consciousness and slipped away.


"I couldn't save her," Amanda sobbed. "I'll never forget the sight of her lifeless body pulled from that lake. It still haunts me to this day." Aurora's death left a hole in their family that could never be filled.

After taking a sip of her coffee, Amanda turned to Aurora Dawnfield and said, "I have some exciting news! I'm going to take you to meet our mom again, who is currently staying at Anna Jade Dawnfield's farmhouse."

When they arrived at the farm home, Allison and Chloe were surprised and happy to see Aurora. Allison was overcome with emotion and tears welled up in her eyes as she embraced Aurora. She commented, "Oh, Aurora, you've grown up so much since we last saw you!"

Aurora smiled warmly and replied, "It's been a while, hasn't it? I've missed both of you so much."

Allison wiped away her tears and said, "We've missed you too, Aurora. It's been tough not having you around. But now that we're all together again, it feels like everything is right in the world."

Chloe chimed in, her voice filled with excitement, "I can't believe we're finally reunited! This is such a special moment for our family."

Aurora nodded and added, "Indeed, it is. I'm grateful for this opportunity to be with all of you again."

As they sat down for a cup of tea in the farmhouse kitchen, Amanda shared more details about their mother's stay. She said, "Mom has been enjoying her time here at Anna's farmhouse. The peaceful surroundings and fresh air have done wonders for her well-being."Allison looked relieved.

Aurora agreed wholeheartedly, saying, "Absolutely. She has always been the pillar of strength for us. It's heartwarming to see her finding solace in such a beautiful place."

Aurora leaned forward with curiosity and asked, "Tell us more about Anna Jade Dawnfield. How did she come into the picture?"

Amanda smiled and explained, "Anna is an old friend of Mom's. They met many years ago when they were both studying English in college. They lost touch for a while but reconnected recently. Anna generously offered her farmhouse as a retreat for Mom to relax and rejuvenate."

Allison nodded appreciatively and said, "It's amazing how life brings people back together. I'm grateful to Anna for providing this haven for Mom."

Chloe added, "Yes, it's truly a blessing. And now we get to share in this joyous reunion."

As they continued their conversation, the room filled with laughter and reminiscing. The farmhouse became a place of warmth and love, where cherished memories were created anew.