Bittersweet surprises

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Grief can consume a person in different ways for Jennie it consumed her to a point of no return hands shaking and blood pouring down her face none of it mattered in that moment her love outshone her grief in this moment all she cared about was finding her soon to be bride "Lili!" She hollered pushing people out of the way trying to find her fiancée.

Lisa looked equally elated to see Jennie "n-nini" she hiccuped hiding the situation to protect Jennie who ignored everyone but Lisa in front of her rushing towards her "are you okay love? What's going on?" Lisa leaned into Jennie hoping the worry and sadness couldn't be seen in her face.

But who was she kidding Jennie could immediately tell what was wrong their wedding was in 16 hours Lisa should have been glowing but her eyes looked sad something bad must have happened "Babylove?" She whispered secretly knowing "w-where's eomma?" She held back tears afraid her deepest fear would be confirmed.

Lisa's body shook violently unable to breathe the words "n-nini" Jennie eyes grew wide with worry "love? What's wrong? Nurse! We need help!" Jennie exclaimed desperately watching Lisa struggle to breathe. A nurse rushed over immediately fixing an oxygen mask around Lisa's face helping her breathe "will she be okay now nurse?" Jennie asked she did not know what she was expecting but it was not this answer.

"Yes yes ma'am your wife will be fine now but be sure not to stress her out so that it doesn't affect the baby" Jennie was frozen "b-baby?" The nurse nodded "yes sir I'm sorry did you not know?" Jennie felt tears of joy drip down her face "oh no no this was our first round of ivf" the nurse beamed at Jennie not everyone was lucky on their first try.

If only that same happiness could remain Jennie felt her heart burst and jisoo, rosé and Lisa's parents burst through those doors "jenduk-" "Jisooni!" Jennie exclaimed giving her a hug "it worked!" But she saw the solemn look on everyone's faces hers dropped "what? What happened" she whispered.

Jisoo felt tears well up in her eyes "Jen y-your eomma s-she" tears dripped down Jennie's face "no no no! She didn't!" Jisoo nodded the rest of her body paralysed from grief. Jennie let out a blood curling scream it almost didn't seem real at all the happiest day of their lives tainted by this horrific tragedy.

"H-how" she questioned her breathing uneven hoping this whole thing was just a nightmare and she'd wake up. Lisa's mother stared at Jennie with pity "t-there was a gun man in the park sweetheart he charged at Lisa and your eomma darling she-" she stopped unable to utter the words it was horrific everyone was in hysterics.

Lisa coughed slightly groaning and Jennie sprung into action handing her a cup of water her crying being forgotten "nini d-do you k-know?" She questioned her palm cupping her favourite Mandu cheek tears dropping down on them.

Jennie could only nod sobs breaking out gripping Lisa's hand for dear life. The room was eerily silent as if they were not the same people as the previous morning who gathered and celebrated Jennie's mothers birthday this memory played on everyone's minds.

Jennie wanted details she couldn't forgive herself for not being there maybe her mother would have made it if she had just gotten up on time her mother would be alive right now she'd scold her for not wearing a jacket she let out a small chuckle imagining it.

Everyone's eyes snapped to Jennie wondering what she could possibly be laughing about "nini?" Lisa's sweet voice reached her ears Jennie couldn't help but laugh again "this whole situation is ridiculous I'm hoping it's a dream" she stood up pacing "tell me it's a dream unnie please let it be a dream!" She begged jisoo stood frozen clutching at her girlfriends arm.

"Why now? Why her! Did they at least catch the bastard who shot her?" Jennie's eyes had turned a colour that could only be described as transparent you could see the despair and pain shadowing her soul "Rosie?" She whispered her hands shaking she looked broken.

The whole room was silent there had been a great injustice to Jennie's mom she was a wonderful woman she always did everything she could for anyone especially her only child she welcomed Lisa with open arms albeit being a little skeptical at first she still supported the couple's happiness "no Uhm Jennie he h-he shot himself" Jisoo spoke barely above whisper.

Jennie slumped onto the floor feeling defeated holding her head in her hands how could they get married with this hanging over their head would Lisa even want to stay with her now? These thoughts consumed Jennie.

But Lisa manoban was an expert in gaging her fiancés emotions "nini" she whispered "it's gonna be okay I promise I'm not gonna go anywhere we will get through everything together" Jennie sniffed standing up intertwining their hands together "a-are you sure?"

Lisa shook her head "I'm not but I promise you we'll figure it out because I'm sorry baby but nothing can bring you healing but time" Jennie nodded agreeing with the statement knowing nothing could bring her mother back.

"And we're all gonna be right here darling I promise you are family now I know that no one could ever replace your parents but we are here honey and we won't ever leave" Lisa's mother and father always treated Jennie like their own child which caused Jennie to feel an overwhelming amount of love causing her to move towards Lisa's mother.

Lisa's mother who understood what jennie needed instantly wrapped her arms around the girl Lisa's father joining in making jennie feel grateful for Lisa and her family maybe everything would be okay she wasn't sure this pain would ever completely go away but she was sure it would lessen with the love of her family.

Jennie's thoughts were correct one week later as she stood in a church surrounded by people who loved her mother and were touched by her soul gathered to honour her late mother things had changed "I wish I could stand up here and tell you that my mother is in a better place because how can a better place be anywhere but earth with her family but I can't question the beautiful changes she has made to each and everyone of our lives" she breathed heavy trying to control herself from crying.

Their eyes connected the two lovers having a mutual understanding Lisa slightly pursing her lips showing her concern for her wife it warmed Jennie's heart "So please join me in letting these beautiful lanterns go in honour of my wonderful mummy I hope you continue to light up the sky" she wiped a tear before leading everyone outside.

Once outside and everything was set Jennie held Lisa in her arms wanting to be close to her in the most important memories in her life "you got this love she would be so proud of you" Lisa whispered as Jennie let go of the lantern watching the beacons of light float away.

"It's you giving me all this strength my beautiful wife" Jennie breathed into Lisa's skin the couple demonstrating just enough pda for a newly married couple "is it hmm? I hope your eomma is happy especially with our little Lego on the way" Lisa teased rubbing her nonexistent bump.

Jennie's hands tightened around Lisa's waist "hold on Lego? When did I agree to that lis? I thought we were naming our baby Liam" Lisa gave her a pointed look "we can nini when you spend 9 months growing organs in your stomach" Jennie let out a soft chuckle knowing she had spoiled Lisa rotten.

Lisa hit her arm "hey I can hear you thinking now let's go home you need to rub your wife's feet" Jennie nodded a smile gracing her face "yes dear I will fulfil your every command for 9 months"

LIsa held her hand as they started to walk "oh no for the rest of my life actually nini that is what you promised at our wedding right?" Jennie only smiled finding it just incredible how much she loved Lisa Kim "yes Mrs Kim it was"
Lisa hummed "not a fan of Mrs Kim makes me feel old" Jennie simply chuckled at the response but she never called Lisa Mrs Kim again not once in the rest of her life.

Hi omg this was an emotional rollercoaster I tried really hard to portray some intense emotions please let me know what you think and as always thank you for reading my story.

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