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Jennie speeded home excited to see her girlfriend Lisa these past couple of months had been hard for her ever since Irene left her but then she met Lisa and was completely smitten by her only jungkooks words rung in her head "Lisa's manipulative she'll do anything to get what she wants she wanted you Jennie" there was no way Lisa was capable of anything evil she refused to believe it at all her Lili wouldn't hurt a fly jungkook was just jealous yeah there's no possible way Lisa would do anything to hurt anyone

Getting out of her car trying to get his words out of her head she pushed open the door "Baby? I'm home" she called out getting no response she walked into the kitchen finding Lisa's laptop open on the table but Lisa nowhere to be seen where is she wondered Jennie huh she was probably just helping the old woman who lived next door Jennie knew they liked to drink tea together and share recipes

Staring at Lisa's laptop jungkooks words rung in her head again "check a file under the name RJ it has everything you need to see on there" she didn't need to check she trusted Lisa of course she did but things were starting to make sense how Irene told her there was someone else who was that someone else? She felt that she needed to know but they said Irene had disappeared off the face of the earth

The feeling of dread washed across Jennie and she moved towards Lisa's laptop opening up her files heart hammering in her chest as she searched for the file she paused finding the file was jungkook telling the truth? What the hell had Lisa done to Irene sweat dripped down Jennie's forehead holding her breathe she opened the folder seeing pictures of her and Irene annotated oh god Lisa was her stalker? It still didn't explain where Irene was she decided to keep scrolling towards the end seeing a document with the named Irene her hand shook as she clicked to open it.

Her mouth fell open in shock this was way worse than Lisa having killed Irene she'd stalked her too but for what? Her mouth went dry connecting the dots Lisa was the other woman but why would she make Irene fall for her once again jungkooks words made her shudder "She's capable of doing anything for you just a fair warning" so did Lisa make Irene fall for her so she'd leave her? Why would she do that she was happy with Irene

Things started to add up more and more the subliminal messages Jennie always saw that reminded her of Lisa even the way they'd met was orchestrated by Lisa she felt physically sick at this point everything she thought she knew about Lisa is far far from the truth.

The door swung open causing Jennie to click  off the file plastering a smile on her face not wanting Lisa to know she knew "hey nini" she smiled "I missed you" Jennie nodded "I missed you too" she wanted to ask where the hell were you but that would be too suspicious of course "Mrs Im asking for another recipe huh?" She questioned knowing their next door neighbour was Mrs chen Lisa smiled nodding "yeah she wanted to know how to make pad Thai"

Jennie smiled pulling Lisa to sit on her lap "mhmm you do make it really nice but sweetheart our neighbours are the Chen family" she whispered into Lisa's ear not missing the way she froze "w-what? N-nini i um" Jennie gripped her waist "where the fuck is Irene Lisa? Or that even your fucking name?" Lisa stood up enraged "What are you accusing me of Jennie?" Jennie studied Lisa's reaction she seemed too calm almost as if she had no worries about anyone finding Irene "Where is she!?"

Lisa's face turned dark "why do you care?" Jennie felt slightly scared "Lisa what the hell have you done?!" Lisa shrugged frowning "do you still love her nini? I can fix that don't worry you'll forget about her soon enough I can do some more research on it" she whispered to herself scaring the shit out of Jennie "L-lisa" Lisa pouted an evil look in her eyes "I'm lili to you nini"

Jennie sighed maybe being soft would work "L-Lili?" Lisa hummed "yes nini" she gulped "w-where's Irene baby if you did something I need to make sure no one ever finds out" she couldn't believe she was saying this but if Lisa had killed Irene she would cover it up she didn't want Lisa to go to prison Lisa smirked "oh she's not dead nini" Jennie breathed a sigh of relief "oh thank go-" "she's with selugui they're married now" Jennie's eyes fell wide "w-what?" But Irene wanted Lisa? How could she just marry someone else her head was starting to hurt

Lisa smiled sweetly making Jennie wonder how this sweet woman could do what she'd done "we zapped her brain" she giggled Jennie stared at her in freight "w-who's w-we?" Lisa sat on Jennie's lap again holding her jaw gently "do you love me nini?" Jennie nodded her hands resting on Lisa's waist keeping her secure "of course I do Lili why are you asking me that?" Lisa smiled sweetly "because it means you'll always be mine right nini? Only mine"

Jennie nodded slightly afraid of Lisa now "p-princess can you tell me what you did?" Lisa giggled "you'll reward me nini? I did good huh?" Jennie faked a smile "oh yeah baby you did great" Lisa nodded "Irene came to the cafe nini that's where I met her then I found out about you so I hatched a plan to make you mine but Irene fell for me and left you for me I saw the opportunity nini I lured her in here then had selugui remove parts of her brain all she remembers is what we told her" she smiled thinking it was brilliant but Jennie's mouth hung open "YOU REMOVED PARTS OF HER BRAIN?"

Lisa frowned confused "yes? Why are you yelling" Jennie was floored Lisa really saw nothing wrong with her actions but she had to be careful "I'm just shocked you're such a sweet girl how'd you do that Lili?" Lisa smiled hearing the compliment "I can do anything for you nini" she took out a syringe from her back pocket "which is why you need to forget about this conversation I can't lose you"

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows "w-what? Lili baby let's be calm now" Lisa shook her head her eyes turning wild "no nini you can't leave me ok! I have to make sure you won't" she lifted her hand ready to inject Jennie with the syringe "baby I won't leave you I swear just be c-c-" Lisa stabbed the syringe into Jennie's leg "I'm sorry nini I love you" was all Jennie heard as everything turned black...

To be continued...

Hiii so this was really fun to write Uhm credit to my bestie for helping with the plot and everything tune in for part 2 of this tho find out if Lisa removes parts of Jennie's brain or if Jennie escapes as always thanks for reading not proof read at all sooo

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