Episode 10: The rainmaker

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Peter stood by the entrance of Elite high school, with two other hefty men

Nolan was spotted walking towards the school entrance with kimani.....

"Peter" He's approaching the gate, one of the hefty men told peter

Trail them to a secluded path, peter ordered

After walking a few meters away from the  the school,  Nolan halt in his steps

Why are they following us, Nolan questioned himself

Who? Kimani asked as she tried to look back.....

Don't look back! Nolan said grabbing her hands,

Nolan turned his head slowly to his back and gasped on seeing peter

Run! Nolan yelled to kimani,

A car intercept them before they could make the run, with it's tire squeaking loudly

Peter walked up to Nolan and grabbed him by his collar, "Nolan wilton" peter said with an evil grin

let go of me! Nolan yelled trying to yank Peter's hands off him

But Peter's strong arms couldn't let him...

Hey! let go off my brother, kimani yelled! Pulling Peter's trouser....

Stay back! little bird, Micheal barked at kimani, making her jolt backwards shaking with fear

Nolan was dragged into a black SUV and then it drove off

Nolan!! Big brother! Kimani yelled running after the car


Kimani ran home fast as her legs could carry her, she tried to open the door but it was locked

Fuck! Mum is not back, kimani yelled
She dropped her bag by the door and ran to the shore....

She got to the shore panting heavily....

Mabel was busy cleaning her equipments.....

Aunt Mabel! Where's my mum?! kimani half yelled, panting heavily as tears formed in her eyes

She..she left few hours ago to distribute to her customers. Mabel said, walking towards kimani

Kimani took to her heel and ran into town,

Kimani! Mabel yelled! But she kept running

Kimani search from house to house hoping to see her mother, after 15min of searching, she saw her by the entrance of "Mr Walter"

Mum! She yelled running towards her
Mary looked back and saw kimani running towards her...

Kimani what happened! Mary asked, as her heart thumped loudly...

Nol... Nolan... Kimani stuttered
What happened to Nolan?!! Mary asked with widened eyes....

Some men grabbed him and into a black car and drove off

What!!! Mary screamed,


Aqua walked through the rocky paths naked after shedding her tail,

She scanned the whole environment, looking for any available clothe to put on

Why do I have this strange feelings..... Aqua murmured to herself

Is something out here?! This energy seems familiar.... Aqua muttered to herself again

She spotted something up front and ran towards it

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